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Some legislation on legislation.gov.uk originates from the EU, and is published under the duty and powers to publish relevant EU instruments and agreements which are assigned to The Kings’s Printer in Part 1 of Schedule 5 to the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (c. 16).
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In addition to the legislation itself, we publish associated documents such as corrigenda (correction slips), and PDF versions of legislation both as originally adopted by the EU and as revised. We have also published amendments made by EU legislation prior to the UK’s exit from the EU, data which are derived from EUR-Lex’s CELLAR database. The CELLAR stores and disseminates all content and metadata created or disseminated by the Publications Office of the European Union. It also drives the Publications Office’s major portals, including EUR-Lex.
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Westlaw UK have contributed electronic versions of Statutory Instruments and Statutory Rules and Orders, as they were first made, to legislation.gov.uk. These are the original versions of the legislation, so do not show how the information has changed or how it stands today. The legislation contributed by Westlaw UK was all made prior to 1987 and is in its original form.
Westlaw UK provide a commercial (pay for) service which provides the current version of these Statutory Instruments, Rules and Orders, showing how they are currently in force. For more information about Westlaw’s commercial services, including an online demo and free trial, visit the Westlaw UK website. Other companies provide similar commercial services.
Westlaw UK’s contribution to legislation.gov.uk means that the government is able to make secondary legislation from before 1987 available to the public, free of charge. The National Archives thanks Westlaw UK for their significant and important contribution, enabling greater public access to legislation.
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<meta name="DC.publisher" content="Westlaw"/>
You can re-use all the text of the legislation on legislation.gov.uk under the terms of the Open Government Licence. If you are re-using the data contributed by Westlaw, either the HTML webpage or from the legislation.gov.uk API, you should make the following attribution:
Westlaw UK derived from Crown Copyright material and contributed to legislation.gov.uk