
Used by
Imported schema ukGovErrors.xsd
Describes elements used to indicate possible missing elements in the content
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
version 2.4
Attribute missingSection / @Ref
Indicates that there is a problem with the provision referred to by the Ref attribute. The standard error message “Section missing in legislation” indicates that the referenced provision does not exist, likely because an editor incorrectly entered the provision in TOES or the referenced provision is being created by the effect
use optional
Used by
Attribute Group missingSection
<xsd:attribute name="Ref" type="xsd:string" form="qualified" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>Indicates that there is a problem with the provision referred to by the Ref attribute. The standard error message “Section missing in legislation” indicates that the referenced provision does not exist, likely because an editor incorrectly entered the provision in TOES or the referenced provision is being created by the effect</xsd:documentation>
Attribute missingSection / @Start
Indicates that there is a problem with the range's starting provision, referred to by the Start attribute. The standard error message “Section missing in legislation” indicates that the referenced provision does not exist, likely because an editor incorrectly entered the provision in TOES or the referenced provision is being created by the effect
use optional
Used by
Attribute Group missingSection
<xsd:attribute name="Start" type="xsd:string" form="qualified" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>Indicates that there is a problem with the range's starting provision, referred to by the Start attribute. The standard error message “Section missing in legislation” indicates that the referenced provision does not exist, likely because an editor incorrectly entered the provision in TOES or the referenced provision is being created by the effect</xsd:documentation>
Attribute missingSection / @End
Indicates that there is a problem with the range's ending provision, referred to by the Start attribute. The standard error message “Section missing in legislation” indicates that the referenced provision does not exist, likely because an editor incorrectly entered the provision in TOES or the referenced provision is being created by the effect
use optional
Used by
Attribute Group missingSection
<xsd:attribute name="End" type="xsd:string" form="qualified" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>Indicates that there is a problem with the range's ending provision, referred to by the Start attribute. The standard error message “Section missing in legislation” indicates that the referenced provision does not exist, likely because an editor incorrectly entered the provision in TOES or the referenced provision is being created by the effect</xsd:documentation>
Attribute missingUnappliedEffect / @Affected
use optional
Used by
Attribute Group missingUnappliedEffect
<xsd:attribute name="Affected" type="xsd:string" form="qualified" use="optional"/>
Attribute Group missingSection
Indicate missing section element(s)
Used by
Element Section
Attribute Group missingSectionRange
QName Type Use Annotation
End xsd:string optional
Indicates that there is a problem with the range's ending provision, referred to by the Start attribute. The standard error message “Section missing in legislation” indicates that the referenced provision does not exist, likely because an editor incorrectly entered the provision in TOES or the referenced provision is being created by the effect
Ref xsd:string optional
Indicates that there is a problem with the provision referred to by the Ref attribute. The standard error message “Section missing in legislation” indicates that the referenced provision does not exist, likely because an editor incorrectly entered the provision in TOES or the referenced provision is being created by the effect
Start xsd:string optional
Indicates that there is a problem with the range's starting provision, referred to by the Start attribute. The standard error message “Section missing in legislation” indicates that the referenced provision does not exist, likely because an editor incorrectly entered the provision in TOES or the referenced provision is being created by the effect
<xsd:attributeGroup name="missingSection">
    <xsd:documentation>Indicate missing section element(s)</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="Ref" type="xsd:string" form="qualified" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation>Indicates that there is a problem with the provision referred to by the Ref attribute. The standard error message “Section missing in legislation” indicates that the referenced provision does not exist, likely because an editor incorrectly entered the provision in TOES or the referenced provision is being created by the effect</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="Start" type="xsd:string" form="qualified" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation>Indicates that there is a problem with the range's starting provision, referred to by the Start attribute. The standard error message “Section missing in legislation” indicates that the referenced provision does not exist, likely because an editor incorrectly entered the provision in TOES or the referenced provision is being created by the effect</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="End" type="xsd:string" form="qualified" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation>Indicates that there is a problem with the range's ending provision, referred to by the Start attribute. The standard error message “Section missing in legislation” indicates that the referenced provision does not exist, likely because an editor incorrectly entered the provision in TOES or the referenced provision is being created by the effect</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Group missingSectionRange
Indicate missing section range element(s)
Used by
Element SectionRange
QName Type Use Annotation
End xsd:string optional
Indicates that there is a problem with the range's ending provision, referred to by the Start attribute. The standard error message “Section missing in legislation” indicates that the referenced provision does not exist, likely because an editor incorrectly entered the provision in TOES or the referenced provision is being created by the effect
Ref xsd:string optional
Indicates that there is a problem with the provision referred to by the Ref attribute. The standard error message “Section missing in legislation” indicates that the referenced provision does not exist, likely because an editor incorrectly entered the provision in TOES or the referenced provision is being created by the effect
Start xsd:string optional
Indicates that there is a problem with the range's starting provision, referred to by the Start attribute. The standard error message “Section missing in legislation” indicates that the referenced provision does not exist, likely because an editor incorrectly entered the provision in TOES or the referenced provision is being created by the effect
<xsd:attributeGroup name="missingSectionRange">
    <xsd:documentation>Indicate missing section range element(s)</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attributeGroup ref="missingSection"/>
Attribute Group missingUnappliedEffect
The attributes in this group indicate that some of the affected provisions are missing in the system, for example because the provisions are inserted by this effect or an earlier effect not yet applied, and so the provisions do not yet exist
Used by
Complex Type EffectType
QName Type Use
Affected xsd:string optional
<xsd:attributeGroup name="missingUnappliedEffect">
    <xsd:documentation>The attributes in this group indicate that some of the affected provisions are missing in the system, for example because the provisions are inserted by this effect or an earlier effect not yet applied, and so the provisions do not yet exist</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="Affected" type="xsd:string" form="qualified" use="optional"/>