
Used by
Included schema schemaChanges.xsd
Describes elements used for marking changes in text
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
version 2.5
Element Addition
Indicates an addition to the text. This is usually displayed within square brackets indicating the beginning and end of the addition.
content complex
mixed true
Used by
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Citation, CommentaryRef, Repeal, Span, Substitution, math
QName Type Default Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
ChangeId xsd:NCName required
The ID for the current instance of the change’s application to the text. Shared by all contiguous change type elements that indicate the same application of the change. (A single change will have multiple ChangeIds if it amends the text in multiple places—for example, an effect that substitutes a word in every place that it occurs in a provision. Each time an editor applies such an change, their XML editing environment will generate a new ChangeId for that instance)
CommentaryRef CommentaryId optional
The commentary for the change. Shared by all change type elements that indicate the same change, whether they refer to the same instance of the change, or different instances in separate parts of the text
Correction xsd:boolean false optional
Indicates that the change was applied by a correction to the original document, as opposed to a legislative amendment
Extent ExtentType optional
Indicates the geographical extent (or territorial application) of the change, where it is more limited than the extent or application of the parent provision
Mark restriction of xsd:NMTOKEN optional
Where present, indicates whether this element marks the start or end of the change that it denotes. Only used in the fragment schema
Prospective xsd:boolean false optional
Indicates that this change is prospective (i.e. the amending provision has not yet come into force)
Status restriction of xsd:NMTOKEN optional
Indicates that this change is proposed (i.e. the amending provision is within a bill or draft instrument not yet enacted or made)
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="" xmlns="" xmlns:math="">
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <math:math altimg="" alttext="" baseline="" class="" display="inline" height="" xlink:href="" id="" macros="" name="" overflow="scroll" style="" type="" width="" xref="">{1,1}</math:math>
<xsd:element name="Addition" type="ChangeType">
    <xsd:documentation>Indicates an addition to the text. This is usually displayed within square brackets indicating the beginning and end of the addition.</xsd:documentation>
Element Repeal

Indicates the repeal of a part of the text. The current editorial policy is to indicate a repeal by a string of dots and a CommentaryRef pointing to the repeal commentary. The Repeal element is therefore no longer used in new revised data except to indicate a retained text repeal (where the text is still in force for certain extents or purposes). In legacy revised data, the Repeal element is also used to indicate a substitution (with the SubstitutionRef attribute referencing the Addition that replaces the Repeal). Any text within the <Repeal> element will be displayed to the user, unless the text content consists only of a string of dots (which denotes a repeal).

In fragment editing, this element indicates the start or end of a run of text to be repealed. The Editorial system will remove the text and the Repeal tags when the editor checks in the fragment, unless the RetainText attribute is set, in which case the Editorial system will retain the text and the Repeal tags.

content complex
mixed true
Used by
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Citation, CommentaryRef, Repeal, Span, Substitution, math
QName Type Default Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
ChangeId xsd:NCName required
The ID for the current instance of the change’s application to the text. Shared by all contiguous change type elements that indicate the same application of the change. (A single change will have multiple ChangeIds if it amends the text in multiple places—for example, an effect that substitutes a word in every place that it occurs in a provision. Each time an editor applies such an change, their XML editing environment will generate a new ChangeId for that instance)
CommentaryRef CommentaryId optional
The commentary for the change. Shared by all change type elements that indicate the same change, whether they refer to the same instance of the change, or different instances in separate parts of the text
Correction xsd:boolean false optional
Indicates that the change was applied by a correction to the original document, as opposed to a legislative amendment
Extent ExtentType optional
Indicates the geographical extent (or territorial application) of the change, where it is more limited than the extent or application of the parent provision
Mark restriction of xsd:NMTOKEN optional
Where present, indicates whether this element marks the start or end of the change that it denotes. Only used in the fragment schema
Prospective xsd:boolean false optional
Indicates that this change is prospective (i.e. the amending provision has not yet come into force)
RetainText xsd:boolean optional
Used where a repealed item of text is to be retained. This would occur if, for instance, an item of text is repealed for a specific extent or specified purposes and is still applicable to other extents or for other purposes. If used with the SubstitutionRef attribute, it indicates a retained text substitution, where the text is repealed and replaced only for specific extents or specified purposes
Status restriction of xsd:NMTOKEN optional
Indicates that this change is proposed (i.e. the amending provision is within a bill or draft instrument not yet enacted or made)
SubstitutionRef xsd:NCName optional
This indicates that new text is to be substituted for the repealed text, and specifies the change ID of the Addition elements containing the substituted text. If used with the RetainText attribute, it indicates a retained text substitution, where the text is repealed and replaced only for specific extents or specified purposes
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="" xmlns="" xmlns:math="">
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <math:math altimg="" alttext="" baseline="" class="" display="inline" height="" xlink:href="" id="" macros="" name="" overflow="scroll" style="" type="" width="" xref="">{1,1}</math:math>
<xsd:element name="Repeal">
    <xsd:documentation xmlns:h="">
      <h:p>Indicates the repeal of a part of the text. The current editorial policy is to indicate a repeal by a string of dots and a CommentaryRef pointing to the repeal commentary. The Repeal element is therefore no longer used in new revised data except to indicate a retained text repeal (where the text is still in force for certain extents or purposes). In legacy revised data, the Repeal element is also used to indicate a substitution (with the SubstitutionRef attribute referencing the Addition that replaces the Repeal). Any text within the <Repeal> element will be displayed to the user, unless the text content consists only of a string of dots (which denotes a repeal).</h:p>
      <h:p>In fragment editing, this element indicates the start or end of a run of text to be repealed. The Editorial system will remove the text and the Repeal tags when the editor checks in the fragment, unless the RetainText attribute is set, in which case the Editorial system will retain the text and the Repeal tags.</h:p>
  <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
      <xsd:extension base="ChangeType">
        <xsd:attribute name="SubstitutionRef" type="xsd:NCName">
            <xsd:documentation>This indicates that new text is to be substituted for the repealed text, and specifies the change ID of the Addition elements containing the substituted text. If used with the RetainText attribute, it indicates a retained text substitution, where the text is repealed and replaced only for specific extents or specified purposes</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="RetainText" type="xsd:boolean">
            <xsd:documentation>Used where a repealed item of text is to be retained. This would occur if, for instance, an item of text is repealed for a specific extent or specified purposes and is still applicable to other extents or for other purposes. If used with the SubstitutionRef attribute, it indicates a retained text substitution, where the text is repealed and replaced only for specific extents or specified purposes</xsd:documentation>
Element Substitution
Indicates a substitution to the text. This is usually displayed within square brackets indicating the beginning and end of the substitution.
content complex
mixed true
Used by
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Citation, CommentaryRef, Repeal, Span, Substitution, math
QName Type Default Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
ChangeId xsd:NCName required
The ID for the current instance of the change’s application to the text. Shared by all contiguous change type elements that indicate the same application of the change. (A single change will have multiple ChangeIds if it amends the text in multiple places—for example, an effect that substitutes a word in every place that it occurs in a provision. Each time an editor applies such an change, their XML editing environment will generate a new ChangeId for that instance)
CommentaryRef CommentaryId optional
The commentary for the change. Shared by all change type elements that indicate the same change, whether they refer to the same instance of the change, or different instances in separate parts of the text
Correction xsd:boolean false optional
Indicates that the change was applied by a correction to the original document, as opposed to a legislative amendment
Extent ExtentType optional
Indicates the geographical extent (or territorial application) of the change, where it is more limited than the extent or application of the parent provision
Mark restriction of xsd:NMTOKEN optional
Where present, indicates whether this element marks the start or end of the change that it denotes. Only used in the fragment schema
Prospective xsd:boolean false optional
Indicates that this change is prospective (i.e. the amending provision has not yet come into force)
Status restriction of xsd:NMTOKEN optional
Indicates that this change is proposed (i.e. the amending provision is within a bill or draft instrument not yet enacted or made)
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="" xmlns="" xmlns:math="">
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <math:math altimg="" alttext="" baseline="" class="" display="inline" height="" xlink:href="" id="" macros="" name="" overflow="scroll" style="" type="" width="" xref="">{1,1}</math:math>
<xsd:element name="Substitution" type="ChangeType">
    <xsd:documentation>Indicates a substitution to the text. This is usually displayed within square brackets indicating the beginning and end of the substitution.</xsd:documentation>
Complex Type ChangeType
The content model for changes that have been applied to the text of a document
mixed true
Used by
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Citation, CommentaryRef, Repeal, Span, Substitution, math
QName Type Default Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
ChangeId xsd:NCName required
The ID for the current instance of the change’s application to the text. Shared by all contiguous change type elements that indicate the same application of the change. (A single change will have multiple ChangeIds if it amends the text in multiple places—for example, an effect that substitutes a word in every place that it occurs in a provision. Each time an editor applies such an change, their XML editing environment will generate a new ChangeId for that instance)
CommentaryRef CommentaryId optional
The commentary for the change. Shared by all change type elements that indicate the same change, whether they refer to the same instance of the change, or different instances in separate parts of the text
Correction xsd:boolean false optional
Indicates that the change was applied by a correction to the original document, as opposed to a legislative amendment
Extent ExtentType optional
Indicates the geographical extent (or territorial application) of the change, where it is more limited than the extent or application of the parent provision
Mark restriction of xsd:NMTOKEN optional
Where present, indicates whether this element marks the start or end of the change that it denotes. Only used in the fragment schema
Prospective xsd:boolean false optional
Indicates that this change is prospective (i.e. the amending provision has not yet come into force)
Status restriction of xsd:NMTOKEN optional
Indicates that this change is proposed (i.e. the amending provision is within a bill or draft instrument not yet enacted or made)
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<xsd:complexType name="ChangeType" mixed="true">
    <xsd:documentation>The content model for changes that have been applied to the text of a document</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:element ref="Addition"/>
    <xsd:element ref="Repeal"/>
    <xsd:element ref="Substitution"/>
    <xsd:element ref="CommentaryRef"/>
    <xsd:element ref="Acronym"/>
    <xsd:element ref="Abbreviation"/>
    <xsd:element ref="Citation"/>
    <xsd:element ref="Span"/>
    <xsd:element ref="math:math"/>
  <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="ChangeId" type="xsd:NCName" use="required">
      <xsd:documentation>The ID for the current instance of the change’s application to the text. Shared by all contiguous change type elements that indicate the same application of the change. (A single change will have multiple ChangeIds if it amends the text in multiple places—for example, an effect that substitutes a word in every place that it occurs in a provision. Each time an editor applies such an change, their XML editing environment will generate a new ChangeId for that instance)</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="CommentaryRef" type="CommentaryId">
      <xsd:documentation>The commentary for the change. Shared by all change type elements that indicate the same change, whether they refer to the same instance of the change, or different instances in separate parts of the text</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="Prospective" default="false" type="xsd:boolean">
      <xsd:documentation>Indicates that this change is prospective (i.e. the amending provision has not yet come into force)</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="Correction" default="false" type="xsd:boolean">
      <xsd:documentation>Indicates that the change was applied by a correction to the original document, as opposed to a legislative amendment</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="Status">
      <xsd:documentation>Indicates that this change is proposed (i.e. the amending provision is within a bill or draft instrument not yet enacted or made)</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
        <xsd:enumeration value="Proposed"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="Mark">
      <xsd:documentation>Where present, indicates whether this element marks the start or end of the change that it denotes. Only used in the fragment schema</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
        <xsd:enumeration value="Start"/>
        <xsd:enumeration value="End"/>
  <!-- PT #154553309 -->
  <xsd:attribute name="Extent" type="ExtentType">
      <xsd:documentation>Indicates the geographical extent (or territorial application) of the change, where it is more limited than the extent or application of the parent provision</xsd:documentation>
Attribute ChangeType / @ChangeId
Namespace No namespace
The ID for the current instance of the change’s application to the text. Shared by all contiguous change type elements that indicate the same application of the change. (A single change will have multiple ChangeIds if it amends the text in multiple places—for example, an effect that substitutes a word in every place that it occurs in a provision. Each time an editor applies such an change, their XML editing environment will generate a new ChangeId for that instance)
use required
Used by
Complex Type ChangeType
<xsd:attribute name="ChangeId" type="xsd:NCName" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation>The ID for the current instance of the change’s application to the text. Shared by all contiguous change type elements that indicate the same application of the change. (A single change will have multiple ChangeIds if it amends the text in multiple places—for example, an effect that substitutes a word in every place that it occurs in a provision. Each time an editor applies such an change, their XML editing environment will generate a new ChangeId for that instance)</xsd:documentation>
Attribute ChangeType / @CommentaryRef
Namespace No namespace
The commentary for the change. Shared by all change type elements that indicate the same change, whether they refer to the same instance of the change, or different instances in separate parts of the text
content simple
Used by
Complex Type ChangeType
<xsd:attribute name="CommentaryRef" type="CommentaryId">
    <xsd:documentation>The commentary for the change. Shared by all change type elements that indicate the same change, whether they refer to the same instance of the change, or different instances in separate parts of the text</xsd:documentation>
Attribute ChangeType / @Prospective
Namespace No namespace
Indicates that this change is prospective (i.e. the amending provision has not yet come into force)
default false
Used by
Complex Type ChangeType
<xsd:attribute name="Prospective" default="false" type="xsd:boolean">
    <xsd:documentation>Indicates that this change is prospective (i.e. the amending provision has not yet come into force)</xsd:documentation>
Attribute ChangeType / @Correction
Namespace No namespace
Indicates that the change was applied by a correction to the original document, as opposed to a legislative amendment
default false
Used by
Complex Type ChangeType
<xsd:attribute name="Correction" default="false" type="xsd:boolean">
    <xsd:documentation>Indicates that the change was applied by a correction to the original document, as opposed to a legislative amendment</xsd:documentation>
Attribute ChangeType / @Status
Namespace No namespace
Indicates that this change is proposed (i.e. the amending provision is within a bill or draft instrument not yet enacted or made)
content simple
enumeration Proposed
Used by
Complex Type ChangeType
<xsd:attribute name="Status">
    <xsd:documentation>Indicates that this change is proposed (i.e. the amending provision is within a bill or draft instrument not yet enacted or made)</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
      <xsd:enumeration value="Proposed"/>
Attribute ChangeType / @Mark
Namespace No namespace
Where present, indicates whether this element marks the start or end of the change that it denotes. Only used in the fragment schema
content simple
enumeration Start
enumeration End
Used by
Complex Type ChangeType
<xsd:attribute name="Mark">
    <xsd:documentation>Where present, indicates whether this element marks the start or end of the change that it denotes. Only used in the fragment schema</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
      <xsd:enumeration value="Start"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="End"/>
Attribute ChangeType / @Extent
Namespace No namespace
Indicates the geographical extent (or territorial application) of the change, where it is more limited than the extent or application of the parent provision
content simple
enumeration E
enumeration W
enumeration S
enumeration N.I.
enumeration E+W
enumeration E+S
enumeration E+N.I.
enumeration W+S
enumeration W+N.I.
enumeration S+N.I.
enumeration E+W+S
enumeration E+W+N.I.
enumeration W+S+N.I.
enumeration E+W+S+N.I.
enumeration E.U.
enumeration E+E.U.
enumeration W+E.U.
enumeration E+W+E.U.
enumeration S+E.U.
enumeration E+S+E.U.
enumeration W+S+E.U.
enumeration E+W+S+E.U.
enumeration N.I.+E.U.
enumeration E+N.I.+E.U.
enumeration W+N.I.+E.U.
enumeration E+W+N.I.+E.U.
enumeration S+N.I.+E.U.
enumeration E+S+N.I.+E.U.
enumeration W+S+N.I.+E.U.
enumeration E+W+S+N.I.+E.U.
Used by
Complex Type ChangeType
<xsd:attribute name="Extent" type="ExtentType">
    <xsd:documentation>Indicates the geographical extent (or territorial application) of the change, where it is more limited than the extent or application of the parent provision</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Repeal / @SubstitutionRef
Namespace No namespace
This indicates that new text is to be substituted for the repealed text, and specifies the change ID of the Addition elements containing the substituted text. If used with the RetainText attribute, it indicates a retained text substitution, where the text is repealed and replaced only for specific extents or specified purposes
content simple
Used by
Element Repeal
<xsd:attribute name="SubstitutionRef" type="xsd:NCName">
    <xsd:documentation>This indicates that new text is to be substituted for the repealed text, and specifies the change ID of the Addition elements containing the substituted text. If used with the RetainText attribute, it indicates a retained text substitution, where the text is repealed and replaced only for specific extents or specified purposes</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Repeal / @RetainText
Namespace No namespace
Used where a repealed item of text is to be retained. This would occur if, for instance, an item of text is repealed for a specific extent or specified purposes and is still applicable to other extents or for other purposes. If used with the SubstitutionRef attribute, it indicates a retained text substitution, where the text is repealed and replaced only for specific extents or specified purposes
content simple
Used by
Element Repeal
<xsd:attribute name="RetainText" type="xsd:boolean">
    <xsd:documentation>Used where a repealed item of text is to be retained. This would occur if, for instance, an item of text is repealed for a specific extent or specified purposes and is still applicable to other extents or for other purposes. If used with the SubstitutionRef attribute, it indicates a retained text substitution, where the text is repealed and replaced only for specific extents or specified purposes</xsd:documentation>