A general-purpose inline container. Its main uses are:
to serve as an anchor for an InternalLink to provide character accurate linking;
to allow for language information to be added. For example, if there is a fragment
of Welsh the span element can use the xml:lang attribute to describe the language
of the content, therefore allowing all the benefits that can be provided by this such
as localised spellchecking;
to act as a container of inline content when an alternate version is available (for
example a graphical version of inline MathML).
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element
upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard.
This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language
of the document.
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and
can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left
to an application as to how to treat white space.
<xsd:element name="Span" type="InlineStructure"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation xmlns:h="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><h:p>A general-purpose inline container. Its main uses are:</h:p><h:ul><h:li>to serve as an anchor for an InternalLink to provide character accurate linking;</h:li><h:li>to allow for language information to be added. For example, if there is a fragment of Welsh the span element can use the xml:lang attribute to describe the language of the content, therefore allowing all the benefits that can be provided by this such as localised spellchecking;</h:li><h:li>to act as a container of inline content when an alternate version is available (for example a graphical version of inline MathML).</h:li></h:ul></xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation></xsd:element>
Describes horizontal alignment with permissible values of:
inherit (the alignment is inherited from the parent element)
justify (the entire paragraph is justified. Note that the last line is not force-justified.
The decision on whether the last line should be is left to the implementation).
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element
upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard.
This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language
of the document.
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and
can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left
to an application as to how to treat white space.
<xsd:element name="Text"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation>A container for a line of text</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation><xsd:complexType mixed="true"><xsd:group ref="InlineFull" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/><xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonFormattingAttributes"/><xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonHangingAttributes"/></xsd:complexType></xsd:element>
A Boolean value to indicate whether the provision includes blanket amendments, ie
general amendments to legislation as a whole rather than a specific enactment
A Boolean value to indicate if there are concurrent versions of the same provision.
This is presently used for concurrent geographic extent versions but may be used in
future to indicate other versions of the same provision
A boolean value indicator as to whether the provision should be displayed or is in
force, i.e. if the status is prospective, then it will not display as in force. Similarly
with the status set to repealed, then this will prevent the provision from displaying
when viewed from high level
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element
upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard.
This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language
of the document.
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and
can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left
to an application as to how to treat white space.
<xsd:element name="BlockText"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation>A subordinate structure to a paragraph of text, generally indented from the paragraph (subparagraph)</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation><xsd:complexType><xsd:group maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1" ref="ParaBasic"/><xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/><xsd:attributeGroup ref="FragmentAttributes"/></xsd:complexType></xsd:element>
Used to indicate that the contents should run on from the end of the amendment (as
opposed to starting a new line if a Text element was used. The only place AppendText
can be used is directly following a BlockAmendment element, although it should be
noted that where a BlockAmendment element is a direct child of a major structure then
it cannot be used (i.e. where a Schedule contains just an amendment). This is because
it would not be correct grammatically, as there is no actual sentence to terminate.
It is also possible in some document types for the amendment to start as run-on text
in the previous paragraph.
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element
upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard.
This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language
of the document.
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and
can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left
to an application as to how to treat white space.
<xsd:element name="AppendText"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation xmlns:h="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><h:p>Used to indicate that the contents should run on from the end of the amendment (as opposed to starting a new line if a Text element was used. The only place AppendText can be used is directly following a BlockAmendment element, although it should be noted that where a BlockAmendment element is a direct child of a major structure then it cannot be used (i.e. where a Schedule contains just an amendment). This is because it would not be correct grammatically, as there is no actual sentence to terminate.</h:p><h:p>It is also possible in some document types for the amendment to start as run-on text in the previous paragraph.</h:p></xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation><xsd:complexType mixed="true"><xsd:group ref="InlineFull" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/><xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/></xsd:complexType></xsd:element>