
Used by
Included schema schemaEmphasis.xsd
Describes elements used for standard text highlighting
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
version 2.0
Element Strong
Describes emboldened (highlighted) text. This will generally turn roman text bold or bold text roman. The content model allows all standard inline constructs apart from strong which should not be nested
content complex
mixed true
Used by
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, Citation, CitationListRef, CitationSubRef, CommentaryRef, Definition, Emphasis, Error, Expanded, ExternalLink, FootnoteRef, Image, Inferior, InlineAmendment, InlineExtract, InternalLink, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, SmallCaps, Span, Strike, Substitution, Superior, Term, Underline, Uppercase, Warning, math
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="" xmlns:mathml="">
  <Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Emphasis>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</SmallCaps>
  <Uppercase AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Uppercase>
  <Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Underline>
  <Expanded AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Expanded>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <InlineExtract AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Format="" id="" xml:lang="" SourceClass="" SourceSubClass="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineExtract>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <InternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" EndRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InternalLink>
  <ExternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" Title="" URI="">{1,1}</ExternalLink>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <CitationSubRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" CitationRef="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Operative="false" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartSectionRef="" Type="" UpTo="" URI="">{1,1}</CitationSubRef>
  <CitationListRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CitationListRef>
  <mathml:math altimg="" alttext="" baseline="" class="" display="inline" height="" xlink:href="" id="" macros="" name="" overflow="scroll" style="" type="" width="" xref="">{1,1}</mathml:math>
  <Image AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Description="" Height="auto" id="" xml:lang="" ResourceRef="" xml:space="" Width="auto">{1,1}</Image>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
<xsd:element name="Strong">
    <xsd:documentation>Describes emboldened (highlighted) text. This will generally turn roman text bold or bold text roman. The content model allows all standard inline constructs apart from strong which should not be nested</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
    <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:element ref="Emphasis"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Inferior"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Superior"/>
      <xsd:element ref="SmallCaps"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Uppercase"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Underline"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Expanded"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Strike"/>
      <xsd:group ref="InlineBasic"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element Emphasis
Describes emphasised text. This will generally turn roman text italic or italic text roman. The content model allows all standard inline constructs apart from emphasis which should not be nested.
content complex
mixed true
Used by
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, Citation, CitationListRef, CitationSubRef, CommentaryRef, Definition, Error, Expanded, ExternalLink, FootnoteRef, Image, Inferior, InlineAmendment, InlineExtract, InternalLink, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, SmallCaps, Span, Strike, Strong, Substitution, Superior, Term, Underline, Uppercase, Warning, math
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="" xmlns:mathml="">
  <Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strong>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</SmallCaps>
  <Uppercase AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Uppercase>
  <Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Underline>
  <Expanded AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Expanded>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <InlineExtract AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Format="" id="" xml:lang="" SourceClass="" SourceSubClass="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineExtract>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <InternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" EndRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InternalLink>
  <ExternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" Title="" URI="">{1,1}</ExternalLink>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <CitationSubRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" CitationRef="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Operative="false" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartSectionRef="" Type="" UpTo="" URI="">{1,1}</CitationSubRef>
  <CitationListRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CitationListRef>
  <mathml:math altimg="" alttext="" baseline="" class="" display="inline" height="" xlink:href="" id="" macros="" name="" overflow="scroll" style="" type="" width="" xref="">{1,1}</mathml:math>
  <Image AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Description="" Height="auto" id="" xml:lang="" ResourceRef="" xml:space="" Width="auto">{1,1}</Image>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
<xsd:element name="Emphasis">
    <xsd:documentation>Describes emphasised text. This will generally turn roman text italic or italic text roman. The content model allows all standard inline constructs apart from emphasis which should not be nested.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
    <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:element ref="Strong"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Inferior"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Superior"/>
      <xsd:element ref="SmallCaps"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Uppercase"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Underline"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Expanded"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Strike"/>
      <xsd:group ref="InlineBasic"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element Inferior
Describes inferior (subscript) text. To get second order inferior characters nest this element. The content model allows all standard inline constructs
content complex
mixed true
Used by
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, Citation, CitationListRef, CitationSubRef, CommentaryRef, Definition, Emphasis, Error, Expanded, ExternalLink, FootnoteRef, Image, Inferior, InlineAmendment, InlineExtract, InternalLink, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, SmallCaps, Span, Strike, Strong, Substitution, Superior, Term, Underline, Uppercase, Warning, math
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="" xmlns:mathml="">
  <Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strong>
  <Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Emphasis>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</SmallCaps>
  <Uppercase AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Uppercase>
  <Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Underline>
  <Expanded AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Expanded>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <InlineExtract AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Format="" id="" xml:lang="" SourceClass="" SourceSubClass="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineExtract>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <InternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" EndRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InternalLink>
  <ExternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" Title="" URI="">{1,1}</ExternalLink>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <CitationSubRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" CitationRef="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Operative="false" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartSectionRef="" Type="" UpTo="" URI="">{1,1}</CitationSubRef>
  <CitationListRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CitationListRef>
  <mathml:math altimg="" alttext="" baseline="" class="" display="inline" height="" xlink:href="" id="" macros="" name="" overflow="scroll" style="" type="" width="" xref="">{1,1}</mathml:math>
  <Image AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Description="" Height="auto" id="" xml:lang="" ResourceRef="" xml:space="" Width="auto">{1,1}</Image>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
<xsd:element name="Inferior" type="InlineStructure">
    <xsd:documentation>Describes inferior (subscript) text. To get second order inferior characters nest this element. The content model allows all standard inline constructs</xsd:documentation>
Element Superior
Describes superior (superscript) text. To get second order superior characters nest this element. The content model allows all standard inline constructs
content complex
mixed true
Used by
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, Citation, CitationListRef, CitationSubRef, CommentaryRef, Definition, Emphasis, Error, Expanded, ExternalLink, FootnoteRef, Image, Inferior, InlineAmendment, InlineExtract, InternalLink, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, SmallCaps, Span, Strike, Strong, Substitution, Superior, Term, Underline, Uppercase, Warning, math
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="" xmlns:mathml="">
  <Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strong>
  <Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Emphasis>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</SmallCaps>
  <Uppercase AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Uppercase>
  <Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Underline>
  <Expanded AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Expanded>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <InlineExtract AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Format="" id="" xml:lang="" SourceClass="" SourceSubClass="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineExtract>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <InternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" EndRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InternalLink>
  <ExternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" Title="" URI="">{1,1}</ExternalLink>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <CitationSubRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" CitationRef="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Operative="false" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartSectionRef="" Type="" UpTo="" URI="">{1,1}</CitationSubRef>
  <CitationListRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CitationListRef>
  <mathml:math altimg="" alttext="" baseline="" class="" display="inline" height="" xlink:href="" id="" macros="" name="" overflow="scroll" style="" type="" width="" xref="">{1,1}</mathml:math>
  <Image AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Description="" Height="auto" id="" xml:lang="" ResourceRef="" xml:space="" Width="auto">{1,1}</Image>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
<xsd:element name="Superior" type="InlineStructure">
    <xsd:documentation>Describes superior (superscript) text. To get second order superior characters nest this element. The content model allows all standard inline constructs</xsd:documentation>
Element SmallCaps
Describes smallcaps text. The content model allows all standard inline constructs apart from small caps which should not be nested
content complex
mixed true
Used by
Elements Emphasis, Expanded, Note, Strike, Strong, Uppercase
Element Group EmphasisBasic
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, Citation, CitationListRef, CitationSubRef, CommentaryRef, Definition, Emphasis, Error, Expanded, ExternalLink, FootnoteRef, Image, Inferior, InlineAmendment, InlineExtract, InternalLink, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, Span, Strike, Strong, Substitution, Superior, Term, Underline, Uppercase, Warning, math
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="" xmlns:mathml="">
  <Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strong>
  <Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Emphasis>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <Uppercase AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Uppercase>
  <Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Underline>
  <Expanded AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Expanded>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <InlineExtract AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Format="" id="" xml:lang="" SourceClass="" SourceSubClass="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineExtract>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <InternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" EndRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InternalLink>
  <ExternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" Title="" URI="">{1,1}</ExternalLink>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <CitationSubRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" CitationRef="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Operative="false" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartSectionRef="" Type="" UpTo="" URI="">{1,1}</CitationSubRef>
  <CitationListRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CitationListRef>
  <mathml:math altimg="" alttext="" baseline="" class="" display="inline" height="" xlink:href="" id="" macros="" name="" overflow="scroll" style="" type="" width="" xref="">{1,1}</mathml:math>
  <Image AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Description="" Height="auto" id="" xml:lang="" ResourceRef="" xml:space="" Width="auto">{1,1}</Image>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
<xsd:element name="SmallCaps">
    <xsd:documentation>Describes smallcaps text. The content model allows all standard inline constructs apart from small caps which should not be nested</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
    <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:element ref="Strong"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Emphasis"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Inferior"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Superior"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Uppercase"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Underline"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Expanded"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Strike"/>
      <xsd:group ref="InlineBasic"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element Uppercase
Describes uppercase text. The content model allows all standard inline constructs apart from uppercase which should not be nested
content complex
mixed true
Used by
Elements Emphasis, Expanded, SmallCaps, Strike, Strong
Element Group EmphasisBasic
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, Citation, CitationListRef, CitationSubRef, CommentaryRef, Definition, Emphasis, Error, Expanded, ExternalLink, FootnoteRef, Image, Inferior, InlineAmendment, InlineExtract, InternalLink, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, SmallCaps, Span, Strike, Strong, Substitution, Superior, Term, Underline, Warning, math
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<Uppercase AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="" xmlns:mathml="">
  <Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strong>
  <Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Emphasis>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</SmallCaps>
  <Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Underline>
  <Expanded AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Expanded>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <InlineExtract AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Format="" id="" xml:lang="" SourceClass="" SourceSubClass="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineExtract>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <InternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" EndRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InternalLink>
  <ExternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" Title="" URI="">{1,1}</ExternalLink>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <CitationSubRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" CitationRef="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Operative="false" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartSectionRef="" Type="" UpTo="" URI="">{1,1}</CitationSubRef>
  <CitationListRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CitationListRef>
  <mathml:math altimg="" alttext="" baseline="" class="" display="inline" height="" xlink:href="" id="" macros="" name="" overflow="scroll" style="" type="" width="" xref="">{1,1}</mathml:math>
  <Image AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Description="" Height="auto" id="" xml:lang="" ResourceRef="" xml:space="" Width="auto">{1,1}</Image>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
<xsd:element name="Uppercase">
    <xsd:documentation>Describes uppercase text. The content model allows all standard inline constructs apart from uppercase which should not be nested</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
    <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:element ref="Strong"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Emphasis"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Inferior"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Superior"/>
      <xsd:element ref="SmallCaps"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Underline"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Expanded"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Strike"/>
      <xsd:group ref="InlineBasic"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element Underline
Describes underlined text. To get double underline nest this element. The content model allows all standard inline constructs
content complex
mixed true
Used by
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, Citation, CitationListRef, CitationSubRef, CommentaryRef, Definition, Emphasis, Error, Expanded, ExternalLink, FootnoteRef, Image, Inferior, InlineAmendment, InlineExtract, InternalLink, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, SmallCaps, Span, Strike, Strong, Substitution, Superior, Term, Underline, Uppercase, Warning, math
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="" xmlns:mathml="">
  <Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strong>
  <Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Emphasis>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</SmallCaps>
  <Uppercase AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Uppercase>
  <Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Underline>
  <Expanded AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Expanded>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <InlineExtract AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Format="" id="" xml:lang="" SourceClass="" SourceSubClass="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineExtract>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <InternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" EndRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InternalLink>
  <ExternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" Title="" URI="">{1,1}</ExternalLink>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <CitationSubRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" CitationRef="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Operative="false" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartSectionRef="" Type="" UpTo="" URI="">{1,1}</CitationSubRef>
  <CitationListRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CitationListRef>
  <mathml:math altimg="" alttext="" baseline="" class="" display="inline" height="" xlink:href="" id="" macros="" name="" overflow="scroll" style="" type="" width="" xref="">{1,1}</mathml:math>
  <Image AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Description="" Height="auto" id="" xml:lang="" ResourceRef="" xml:space="" Width="auto">{1,1}</Image>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
<xsd:element name="Underline" type="InlineStructure">
    <xsd:documentation>Describes underlined text. To get double underline nest this element. The content model allows all standard inline constructs</xsd:documentation>
Element Expanded
Describes expanded text
content complex
mixed true
Used by
Elements Emphasis, SmallCaps, Strong, Uppercase
Element Group EmphasisBasic
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, Citation, CitationListRef, CitationSubRef, CommentaryRef, Definition, Emphasis, Error, ExternalLink, FootnoteRef, Image, Inferior, InlineAmendment, InlineExtract, InternalLink, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, SmallCaps, Span, Strike, Strong, Substitution, Superior, Term, Underline, Uppercase, Warning, math
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<Expanded AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="" xmlns:mathml="">
  <Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strong>
  <Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Emphasis>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</SmallCaps>
  <Uppercase AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Uppercase>
  <Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Underline>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <InlineExtract AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Format="" id="" xml:lang="" SourceClass="" SourceSubClass="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineExtract>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <InternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" EndRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InternalLink>
  <ExternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" Title="" URI="">{1,1}</ExternalLink>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <CitationSubRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" CitationRef="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Operative="false" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartSectionRef="" Type="" UpTo="" URI="">{1,1}</CitationSubRef>
  <CitationListRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CitationListRef>
  <mathml:math altimg="" alttext="" baseline="" class="" display="inline" height="" xlink:href="" id="" macros="" name="" overflow="scroll" style="" type="" width="" xref="">{1,1}</mathml:math>
  <Image AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Description="" Height="auto" id="" xml:lang="" ResourceRef="" xml:space="" Width="auto">{1,1}</Image>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
<xsd:element name="Expanded">
    <xsd:documentation>Describes expanded text</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
    <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:element ref="Strong"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Emphasis"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Inferior"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Superior"/>
      <xsd:element ref="SmallCaps"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Uppercase"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Underline"/>
      <xsd:element ref="Strike"/>
      <xsd:group ref="InlineBasic"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element EmphasisRestricted / Emphasis
Describes emphasised text. This will generally turn roman text italic or italic text roman. The content model allows all standard inline constructs apart from emphasis which should not be nested.
content complex
mixed true
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, Citation, CitationListRef, CitationSubRef, CommentaryRef, Definition, Error, FootnoteRef, Inferior, InlineAmendment, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, SmallCaps, Span, Strike, Strong, Substitution, Superior, Term, Underline, Warning
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="">
  <Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strong>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</SmallCaps>
  <Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Underline>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <CitationSubRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" CitationRef="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Operative="false" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartSectionRef="" Type="" UpTo="" URI="">{1,1}</CitationSubRef>
  <CitationListRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CitationListRef>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
<xsd:element name="Emphasis">
    <xsd:documentation>Describes emphasised text. This will generally turn roman text italic or italic text roman. The content model allows all standard inline constructs apart from emphasis which should not be nested.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
    <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:group ref="StrongRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="InferiorRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="SuperiorRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="SmallCapsRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="UnderlineRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="StrikeRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="InlineBasicRestricted"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element StrongRestricted / Strong
Describes emboldened (highlighted) text. This will generally turn roman text bold or bold text roman. The content model allows all standard inline constructs apart from strong which should not be nested
content complex
mixed true
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, Citation, CitationListRef, CitationSubRef, CommentaryRef, Definition, Emphasis, Error, FootnoteRef, Inferior, InlineAmendment, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, SmallCaps, Span, Strike, Substitution, Superior, Term, Underline, Warning
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="">
  <Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Emphasis>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</SmallCaps>
  <Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Underline>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <CitationSubRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" CitationRef="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Operative="false" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartSectionRef="" Type="" UpTo="" URI="">{1,1}</CitationSubRef>
  <CitationListRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CitationListRef>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
<xsd:element name="Strong">
    <xsd:documentation>Describes emboldened (highlighted) text. This will generally turn roman text bold or bold text roman. The content model allows all standard inline constructs apart from strong which should not be nested</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
    <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:group ref="EmphasisRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="InferiorRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="SuperiorRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="SmallCapsRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="UnderlineRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="StrikeRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="InlineBasicRestricted"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element InferiorRestricted / Inferior
Describes inferior (subscript) text. To get second order inferior characters nest this element. The content model allows all standard inline constructs
content complex
mixed true
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, Citation, CitationListRef, CitationSubRef, CommentaryRef, Definition, Emphasis, Error, FootnoteRef, Inferior, InlineAmendment, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, SmallCaps, Span, Strike, Strong, Substitution, Superior, Term, Warning
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="">
  <Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Emphasis>
  <Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strong>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</SmallCaps>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <CitationSubRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" CitationRef="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Operative="false" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartSectionRef="" Type="" UpTo="" URI="">{1,1}</CitationSubRef>
  <CitationListRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CitationListRef>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
<xsd:element name="Inferior">
    <xsd:documentation>Describes inferior (subscript) text. To get second order inferior characters nest this element. The content model allows all standard inline constructs</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
    <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:group ref="EmphasisRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="StrongRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="InferiorRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="SuperiorRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="SmallCapsRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="StrikeRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="InlineBasicRestricted"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element SuperiorRestricted / Superior
Describes superior (superscript) text. To get second order superior characters nest this element. The content model allows all standard inline constructs
content complex
mixed true
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, Citation, CitationListRef, CitationSubRef, CommentaryRef, Definition, Emphasis, Error, FootnoteRef, Inferior, InlineAmendment, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, SmallCaps, Span, Strike, Strong, Substitution, Superior, Term, Warning
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="">
  <Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Emphasis>
  <Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strong>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</SmallCaps>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <CitationSubRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" CitationRef="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Operative="false" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartSectionRef="" Type="" UpTo="" URI="">{1,1}</CitationSubRef>
  <CitationListRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CitationListRef>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
<xsd:element name="Superior">
    <xsd:documentation>Describes superior (superscript) text. To get second order superior characters nest this element. The content model allows all standard inline constructs</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
    <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:group ref="EmphasisRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="StrongRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="InferiorRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="SuperiorRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="SmallCapsRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="StrikeRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="InlineBasicRestricted"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element SmallCapsRestricted / SmallCaps
Describes smallcaps text. The content model allows all standard inline constructs apart from small caps which should not be nested
content complex
mixed true
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, Citation, CitationListRef, CitationSubRef, CommentaryRef, Definition, Emphasis, Error, FootnoteRef, Inferior, InlineAmendment, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, Span, Strike, Strong, Substitution, Superior, Term, Underline, Warning
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="">
  <Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Emphasis>
  <Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strong>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Underline>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <CitationSubRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" CitationRef="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Operative="false" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartSectionRef="" Type="" UpTo="" URI="">{1,1}</CitationSubRef>
  <CitationListRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CitationListRef>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
<xsd:element name="SmallCaps">
    <xsd:documentation>Describes smallcaps text. The content model allows all standard inline constructs apart from small caps which should not be nested</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
    <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:group ref="EmphasisRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="StrongRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="InferiorRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="SuperiorRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="UnderlineRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="StrikeRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="InlineBasicRestricted"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element UnderlineRestricted / Underline
Describes underlined text. To get double underline nest this element. The content model allows all standard inline constructs
content complex
mixed true
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, Citation, CitationListRef, CitationSubRef, CommentaryRef, Definition, Emphasis, Error, FootnoteRef, Inferior, InlineAmendment, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, SmallCaps, Span, Strike, Strong, Substitution, Superior, Term, Warning
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="">
  <Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Emphasis>
  <Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strong>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</SmallCaps>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
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  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
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<xsd:element name="Underline">
    <xsd:documentation>Describes underlined text. To get double underline nest this element. The content model allows all standard inline constructs</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
    <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:group ref="EmphasisRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="StrongRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="InferiorRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="SuperiorRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="SmallCapsRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="StrikeRestricted"/>
      <xsd:group ref="InlineBasicRestricted"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element Group EmphasisRestricted
Follows the standard element definition but restricts the content model further
Used by
Children Emphasis
<xsd:group name="EmphasisRestricted">
    <xsd:documentation>Follows the standard element definition but restricts the content model further</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="Emphasis">
        <xsd:documentation>Describes emphasised text. This will generally turn roman text italic or italic text roman. The content model allows all standard inline constructs apart from emphasis which should not be nested.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
        <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xsd:group ref="StrongRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="InferiorRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="SuperiorRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="SmallCapsRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="UnderlineRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="StrikeRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="InlineBasicRestricted"/>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element Group StrongRestricted
Follows the standard element definition but restricts the content model further
Used by
Children Strong
<xsd:group name="StrongRestricted">
    <xsd:documentation>Follows the standard element definition but restricts the content model further</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="Strong">
        <xsd:documentation>Describes emboldened (highlighted) text. This will generally turn roman text bold or bold text roman. The content model allows all standard inline constructs apart from strong which should not be nested</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
        <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xsd:group ref="EmphasisRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="InferiorRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="SuperiorRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="SmallCapsRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="UnderlineRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="StrikeRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="InlineBasicRestricted"/>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element Group InferiorRestricted
Follows the standard element definition but restricts the content model further
Used by
Children Inferior
<xsd:group name="InferiorRestricted">
    <xsd:documentation>Follows the standard element definition but restricts the content model further</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="Inferior">
        <xsd:documentation>Describes inferior (subscript) text. To get second order inferior characters nest this element. The content model allows all standard inline constructs</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
        <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xsd:group ref="EmphasisRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="StrongRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="InferiorRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="SuperiorRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="SmallCapsRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="StrikeRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="InlineBasicRestricted"/>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element Group SuperiorRestricted
Follows the standard element definition but restricts the content model further
Used by
Children Superior
<xsd:group name="SuperiorRestricted">
    <xsd:documentation>Follows the standard element definition but restricts the content model further</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="Superior">
        <xsd:documentation>Describes superior (superscript) text. To get second order superior characters nest this element. The content model allows all standard inline constructs</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
        <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xsd:group ref="EmphasisRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="StrongRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="InferiorRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="SuperiorRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="SmallCapsRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="StrikeRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="InlineBasicRestricted"/>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element Group SmallCapsRestricted
Follows the standard element definition but restricts the content model further
Used by
Children SmallCaps
<xsd:group name="SmallCapsRestricted">
    <xsd:documentation>Follows the standard element definition but restricts the content model further</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="SmallCaps">
        <xsd:documentation>Describes smallcaps text. The content model allows all standard inline constructs apart from small caps which should not be nested</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
        <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xsd:group ref="EmphasisRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="StrongRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="InferiorRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="SuperiorRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="UnderlineRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="StrikeRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="InlineBasicRestricted"/>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element Group UnderlineRestricted
Follows the standard element definition but restricts the content model further
Used by
Children Underline
<xsd:group name="UnderlineRestricted">
    <xsd:documentation>Follows the standard element definition but restricts the content model further</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="Underline">
        <xsd:documentation>Describes underlined text. To get double underline nest this element. The content model allows all standard inline constructs</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
        <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xsd:group ref="EmphasisRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="StrongRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="InferiorRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="SuperiorRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="SmallCapsRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="StrikeRestricted"/>
          <xsd:group ref="InlineBasicRestricted"/>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>