The Ref attribute should point to an id attribute (though these are not necessarily
of type ID) that is the target of the link.>
If the target for a link needs to be in the middle of text then the Span element can
be used to wrap the target text (or even just provide a point target). This element
has an id attribute and is designed specifically for this kind of task.
To be more precise it defines the start of the range of the target.
If the EndRef attribute is not present then it also defines the end of the range –
that is the target is a point and not a range.
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element
upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard.
This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language
of the document.
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and
can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left
to an application as to how to treat white space.
<xsd:element name="InternalLink"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation>Describes a link with a target inside of the document and allows a cross-reference to be inserted to any element that has an id attribute.</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation><xsd:complexType mixed="true"><xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xsd:group ref="EmphasisBasic"/><xsd:element ref="Character"/><xsd:element ref="Span"/></xsd:choice><xsd:attribute name="Ref" type="xsd:string" use="required"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation><h:p>The Ref attribute should point to an id attribute (though these are not necessarily of type ID) that is the target of the link.></h:p><h:p>If the target for a link needs to be in the middle of text then the Span element can be used to wrap the target text (or even just provide a point target). This element has an id attribute and is designed specifically for this kind of task.</h:p><h:p>To be more precise it defines the start of the range of the target.</h:p><h:p>If the EndRef attribute is not present then it also defines the end of the range – that is the target is a point and not a range.</h:p></xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation></xsd:attribute><xsd:attribute name="EndRef" type="xsd:string" use="optional"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation>If present this defines the end of the range for the target of the link.</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation></xsd:attribute><xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/></xsd:complexType></xsd:element>
The URI attribute is used to hold the link and is flexible in that it can contain
any URI. This may be a URL (web address) or a DOI (which should be in URN format,
e.g. doi:10.1000/182).
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element
upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard.
This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language
of the document.
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and
can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left
to an application as to how to treat white space.
<xsd:element name="ExternalLink"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation>Describes a link (hyperlink) with a target outside of the document.</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation><xsd:complexType mixed="true"><xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><xsd:group ref="EmphasisBasic"/><xsd:element ref="Character"/><xsd:element ref="Span"/></xsd:choice><xsd:attribute name="URI" type="xsd:anyURI"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation>The URI attribute is used to hold the link and is flexible in that it can contain any URI. This may be a URL (web address) or a DOI (which should be in URN format, e.g. doi:10.1000/182).</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation></xsd:attribute><xsd:attribute name="Title" type="xsd:string"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation>The title attribute should describe the link (hold a description of where the link goes).</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation></xsd:attribute><xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/></xsd:complexType></xsd:element>
The Ref attribute should point to an id attribute (though these are not necessarily
of type ID) that is the target of the link.>
If the target for a link needs to be in the middle of text then the Span element can
be used to wrap the target text (or even just provide a point target). This element
has an id attribute and is designed specifically for this kind of task.
To be more precise it defines the start of the range of the target.
If the EndRef attribute is not present then it also defines the end of the range –
that is the target is a point and not a range.
<xsd:attribute name="Ref" type="xsd:string" use="required"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation><h:p>The Ref attribute should point to an id attribute (though these are not necessarily of type ID) that is the target of the link.></h:p><h:p>If the target for a link needs to be in the middle of text then the Span element can be used to wrap the target text (or even just provide a point target). This element has an id attribute and is designed specifically for this kind of task.</h:p><h:p>To be more precise it defines the start of the range of the target.</h:p><h:p>If the EndRef attribute is not present then it also defines the end of the range – that is the target is a point and not a range.</h:p></xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation></xsd:attribute>
<xsd:attribute name="EndRef" type="xsd:string" use="optional"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation>If present this defines the end of the range for the target of the link.</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation></xsd:attribute>
The URI attribute is used to hold the link and is flexible in that it can contain
any URI. This may be a URL (web address) or a DOI (which should be in URN format,
e.g. doi:10.1000/182).
<xsd:attribute name="URI" type="xsd:anyURI"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation>The URI attribute is used to hold the link and is flexible in that it can contain any URI. This may be a URL (web address) or a DOI (which should be in URN format, e.g. doi:10.1000/182).</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation></xsd:attribute>
<xsd:attribute name="Title" type="xsd:string"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation>The title attribute should describe the link (hold a description of where the link goes).</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation></xsd:attribute>