
Used by
Included schema schemaCitations.xsd
Defines citations
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
version 2.4
Element Citation

Describes a cross-reference to another piece of legislation

There are two levels of citation – main citations that refer to the actual document and sub-references that link to the main citation (or another sub-reference) and which highlight fragments within the cited document.

For local secondary cross-references there may not be enough information to indicate that the target is local. In these cases the non-local version is to be synonymous.

If the Number is missing, there must be a Date. This should only happen for Church Instruments.

content complex
mixed true
Used by
Complex Type ChangeType
Elements CitationList, Repeal
Element Groups InlineBasic, InlineBasicRestricted
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, CommentaryRef, Definition, Emphasis, Error, Expanded, FootnoteRef, Inferior, InlineAmendment, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, SmallCaps, Span, Strike, Strong, Substitution, Superior, Term, Underline, Uppercase, Warning
QName Type Default Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
AlternativeNumber xsd:string optional
A number for the cited item in an alternative numbering series. For example, an Order that applies to Northern Ireland would have an alternative number of the format 'NI 11'. For early primary legislation (pre-1963), this will usually hold the regnal year e.g. 7 & 8 Eliz. 2
Class DocumentMainType required
Refers to the class of document being cited, with values like: EnglandAct, UnitedKingdomPublicGeneralAct, ScottishStatutoryInstrument etc.
CommencementNumber xsd:string optional
The Commencement series number for the cited instrument
CommentaryRef xsd:NCName optional
The commentary identifier for the cited commentary
DOI xsd:string optional
This refers to the 'Digital Object Identifier' of the target document.
Date xsd:date optional
The date of the cited document
EndDate xsd:date optional
The end date of the cited provision
EndSectionRef xsd:NCName optional
The ending section identifier for a cited data range
LegalNumber xsd:string optional
The Legal series number for the cited instrument
Locator xsd:string optional
This provides the URI address for those documents that exist at a known location or by using the other attribute values where the target cannot be calculated. Restraint should be shown in using this attribute.
NorthernIrishNumber xsd:string optional
The Northern Ireland series number for the cited instrument
Number xsd:nonNegativeInteger optional
The Number is one of the attributes used to identify a target document. And it will always be a non-negative numeric value
Prospective xsd:boolean false optional
Boolean value of whether the cited item is prospective
ScottishNumber xsd:string optional
The Scottish series number for the cited instrument
SectionRef xsd:NCName optional
The section identifier of the cited data
StartDate xsd:date optional
The start date of the cited provision
StartSectionRef xsd:NCName optional
The starting section identifier for a cited data range
Title xsd:string optional
The title of the cited data
URI xsd:anyURI optional
The URI of the cited data
WelshNumber xsd:string optional
The Welsh series number for the cited instrument
Year xsd:gYear required
The Year is one of the attributes used to identify a target document
id xsd:NCName optional
This is a unique identifier for the citation. The format is cxxxxx, where xxxxx is a five digit padded number, e.g: c00010, c01353
xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="">
  <Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strong>
  <Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Emphasis>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</SmallCaps>
  <Uppercase AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Uppercase>
  <Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Underline>
  <Expanded AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Expanded>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
<xsd:element name="Citation">
    <xsd:documentation xmlns:h="">
      <h:p>Describes a cross-reference to another piece of legislation</h:p>
      <h:p>There are two levels of citation – main citations that refer to the actual document and sub-references that link to the main citation (or another sub-reference) and which highlight fragments within the cited document.</h:p>
      <h:p>For local secondary cross-references there may not be enough information to indicate that the target is local. In these cases the non-local version is to be synonymous.</h:p>
      <h:p>If the Number is missing, there must be a Date. This should only happen for Church Instruments.</h:p>
  <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
    <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:group ref="InlineLegislationCitation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="URI" type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The URI of the cited data</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Class" type="DocumentMainType" use="required">
        <xsd:documentation>Refers to the class of document being cited, with values like: EnglandAct, UnitedKingdomPublicGeneralAct, ScottishStatutoryInstrument etc.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Locator" type="xsd:string">
        <xsd:documentation>This provides the URI address for those documents that exist at a known location or by using the other attribute values where the target cannot be calculated. Restraint should be shown in using this attribute.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="DOI" type="xsd:string">
        <xsd:documentation>This refers to the 'Digital Object Identifier' of the target document.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Year" type="xsd:gYear" use="required">
        <xsd:documentation>The Year is one of the attributes used to identify a target document</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Number" type="xsd:nonNegativeInteger">
        <xsd:documentation>The Number is one of the attributes used to identify a target document. And it will always be a non-negative numeric value</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Date" type="xsd:date">
        <xsd:documentation>The date of the cited document</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Title" type="xsd:string">
        <xsd:documentation>The title of the cited data</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="SectionRef" type="xsd:NCName">
        <xsd:documentation>The section identifier of the cited data</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="StartSectionRef" type="xsd:NCName">
        <xsd:documentation>The starting section identifier for a cited data range</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="EndSectionRef" type="xsd:NCName">
        <xsd:documentation>The ending section identifier for a cited data range</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="AlternativeNumber" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>A number for the cited item in an alternative numbering series. For example, an Order that applies to Northern Ireland would have an alternative number of the format 'NI 11'. For early primary legislation (pre-1963), this will usually hold the regnal year e.g. 7 & 8 Eliz. 2</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="WelshNumber" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The Welsh series number for the cited instrument</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ScottishNumber" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The Scottish series number for the cited instrument</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="NorthernIrishNumber" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The Northern Ireland series number for the cited instrument</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="CommencementNumber" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The Commencement series number for the cited instrument</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="LegalNumber" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The Legal series number for the cited instrument</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="CommentaryRef" type="xsd:NCName">
        <xsd:documentation>The commentary identifier for the cited commentary</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="StartDate" type="xsd:date">
        <xsd:documentation>The start date of the cited provision</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="EndDate" type="xsd:date">
        <xsd:documentation>The end date of the cited provision</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute default="false" name="Prospective" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>Boolean value of whether the cited item is prospective</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonSubAttributes"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CitationElementIDAttributes"/>
Element CitationSubRef

Describes a text fragment of a citation referring to a specific part of the cited document.

The CitationRef attribute normally links the sub-reference back to a single citation, but it is possible to link to multiple citations by separating the IDs with spaces. It is also possible to link to another sub-reference using the CitationRef attribute.

The main citation reference may become a hyperlink to the cited document and that sub-references may become hyperlinks either back to the main citation or sub-reference, or, by de-referencing the sub-references, could also become links to the target document.

content complex
mixed true
Used by
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, CommentaryRef, Definition, Emphasis, Error, Expanded, FootnoteRef, Inferior, InlineAmendment, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, SmallCaps, Span, Strike, Strong, Substitution, Superior, Term, Underline, Uppercase, Warning
QName Type Default Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
CitationRef xsd:string optional
This points to either a parent citation or a parent citationSubRef; if it's missing, it refers to a section within this item of legislation.
EndSectionRef xsd:NCName optional
Operative xsd:boolean false optional
When true on a citation within a commentary, this refers to the operative section: the one that actually contains the change to the legislation as opposed to supporting material that might describe its extent or the date at which it comes into force.
SectionRef xsd:NCName optional
Provides the id of the section of legislation that the citation refers to. If this attribute is not present, the StartSectionRef and EndSectionRef attributes must be present.
StartSectionRef xsd:NCName optional
Where the citation refers to a range of sections, this provides the id of the first section to which the citation refers. If this attribute is present, the EndSectionRef attribute must also be present and the SectionRef attribute must not be present; if it's not present, the SectionRef attribute must be present.
Type restriction of xsd:string optional
This represents the type of content, e.g. a pointer as to the text format, e.g. group would be 'subsections (5) and (6)'. Its purpose is to give a processor some clue as to how to process the content
URI xsd:anyURI optional
The URI is derivable from the Class, Year and Number of the referenced Citation in combination with the SectionRef or StartSectionRef and is provided as a convenience.
UpTo xsd:anyURI optional
The UpTo URI is derivable from the Class, Year and Number of the referenced Citation, plus the EndSectionRef attribute, and is provided as a convenience.
id xsd:NCName optional
This is a unique identifier for the citation. The format is cxxxxx, where xxxxx is a five digit padded number, e.g: c00010, c01353
xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<CitationSubRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" CitationRef="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Operative="false" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartSectionRef="" Type="" UpTo="" URI="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="">
  <Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strong>
  <Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Emphasis>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</SmallCaps>
  <Uppercase AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Uppercase>
  <Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Underline>
  <Expanded AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Expanded>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
<xsd:element name="CitationSubRef">
    <xsd:documentation xmlns:h="">
      <h:p>Describes a text fragment of a citation referring to a specific part of the cited document.</h:p>
      <h:p>The CitationRef attribute normally links the sub-reference back to a single citation, but it is possible to link to multiple citations by separating the IDs with spaces. It is also possible to link to another sub-reference using the CitationRef attribute.</h:p>
      <h:p>The main citation reference may become a hyperlink to the cited document and that sub-references may become hyperlinks either back to the main citation or sub-reference, or, by de-referencing the sub-references, could also become links to the target document.</h:p>
  <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
    <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:group ref="InlineLegislationCitation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>This represents the type of content, e.g. a pointer as to the text format, e.g. group would be 'subsections (5) and (6)'. Its purpose is to give a processor some clue as to how to process the content</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
          <xsd:enumeration value="standard"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="group"/>
    <!-- Note that ideally this type should be xsd:IDREFS but due to a bug in MSXML4 need to use xsd:string for now -->
    <xsd:attribute name="CitationRef" type="xsd:string">
        <xsd:documentation>This points to either a parent citation or a parent citationSubRef; if it's missing, it refers to a section within this item of legislation.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="SectionRef" type="xsd:NCName">
        <xsd:documentation>Provides the id of the section of legislation that the citation refers to. If this attribute is not present, the StartSectionRef and EndSectionRef attributes must be present.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="StartSectionRef" type="xsd:NCName">
        <xsd:documentation>Where the citation refers to a range of sections, this provides the id of the first section to which the citation refers. If this attribute is present, the EndSectionRef attribute must also be present and the SectionRef attribute must not be present; if it's not present, the SectionRef attribute must be present.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="EndSectionRef" type="xsd:NCName"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="URI" type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>The URI is derivable from the Class, Year and Number of the referenced Citation in combination with the SectionRef or StartSectionRef and is provided as a convenience.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="UpTo" type="xsd:anyURI">
        <xsd:documentation>The UpTo URI is derivable from the Class, Year and Number of the referenced Citation, plus the EndSectionRef attribute, and is provided as a convenience.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute default="false" name="Operative" type="xsd:boolean">
        <xsd:documentation>When true on a citation within a commentary, this refers to the operative section: the one that actually contains the change to the legislation as opposed to supporting material that might describe its extent or the date at which it comes into force.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonSubAttributes"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CitationElementIDAttributes"/>
Element CitationListRef
Links to a list of possible citations to other legislation.
content complex
mixed true
Used by
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, CommentaryRef, Definition, Emphasis, Error, Expanded, FootnoteRef, Inferior, InlineAmendment, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, SmallCaps, Span, Strike, Strong, Substitution, Superior, Term, Underline, Uppercase, Warning
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
Ref restriction of xsd:IDREF required
xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<CitationListRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="">
  <Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strong>
  <Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Emphasis>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</SmallCaps>
  <Uppercase AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Uppercase>
  <Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Underline>
  <Expanded AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Expanded>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
<xsd:element name="CitationListRef">
    <xsd:documentation>Links to a list of possible citations to other legislation.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:complexType mixed="true">
    <xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
      <xsd:group ref="InlineLegislationCitation"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="Ref" use="required">
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:IDREF">
          <xsd:pattern value="l[0-9]+"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonSubAttributes"/>
Element CitationLists
A list of citation lists.
content complex
Used by
Element Legislation
Children CitationList
<CitationLists xmlns="">
  <CitationList id="">{1,1}</CitationList>
<xsd:element name="CitationLists">
    <xsd:documentation>A list of citation lists.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:element ref="CitationList"/>
Element CitationList
Defines a list of citations to other legislation.
content complex
Used by
Element CitationLists
Children Citation
QName Type Use
id restriction of xsd:ID optional
<CitationList id="" xmlns="">
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
<xsd:element name="CitationList">
    <xsd:documentation>Defines a list of citations to other legislation.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:element ref="Citation"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="id">
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:ID">
          <xsd:pattern value="l[0-9]+"/>
Attribute CitationSubRef / @Type
Namespace No namespace
This represents the type of content, e.g. a pointer as to the text format, e.g. group would be 'subsections (5) and (6)'. Its purpose is to give a processor some clue as to how to process the content
use optional
enumeration standard
enumeration group
Used by
Element CitationSubRef
<xsd:attribute name="Type" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>This represents the type of content, e.g. a pointer as to the text format, e.g. group would be 'subsections (5) and (6)'. Its purpose is to give a processor some clue as to how to process the content</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="standard"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="group"/>
Attribute CitationSubRef / @CitationRef
Namespace No namespace
This points to either a parent citation or a parent citationSubRef; if it's missing, it refers to a section within this item of legislation.
content simple
Used by
Element CitationSubRef
<xsd:attribute name="CitationRef" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>This points to either a parent citation or a parent citationSubRef; if it's missing, it refers to a section within this item of legislation.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute CitationSubRef / @SectionRef
Namespace No namespace
Provides the id of the section of legislation that the citation refers to. If this attribute is not present, the StartSectionRef and EndSectionRef attributes must be present.
content simple
Used by
Element CitationSubRef
<xsd:attribute name="SectionRef" type="xsd:NCName">
    <xsd:documentation>Provides the id of the section of legislation that the citation refers to. If this attribute is not present, the StartSectionRef and EndSectionRef attributes must be present.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute CitationSubRef / @StartSectionRef
Namespace No namespace
Where the citation refers to a range of sections, this provides the id of the first section to which the citation refers. If this attribute is present, the EndSectionRef attribute must also be present and the SectionRef attribute must not be present; if it's not present, the SectionRef attribute must be present.
content simple
Used by
Element CitationSubRef
<xsd:attribute name="StartSectionRef" type="xsd:NCName">
    <xsd:documentation>Where the citation refers to a range of sections, this provides the id of the first section to which the citation refers. If this attribute is present, the EndSectionRef attribute must also be present and the SectionRef attribute must not be present; if it's not present, the SectionRef attribute must be present.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute CitationSubRef / @EndSectionRef
Namespace No namespace
content simple
Used by
Element CitationSubRef
<xsd:attribute name="EndSectionRef" type="xsd:NCName"/>
Attribute CitationSubRef / @URI
Namespace No namespace
The URI is derivable from the Class, Year and Number of the referenced Citation in combination with the SectionRef or StartSectionRef and is provided as a convenience.
use optional
Used by
Element CitationSubRef
<xsd:attribute name="URI" type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>The URI is derivable from the Class, Year and Number of the referenced Citation in combination with the SectionRef or StartSectionRef and is provided as a convenience.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute CitationSubRef / @UpTo
Namespace No namespace
The UpTo URI is derivable from the Class, Year and Number of the referenced Citation, plus the EndSectionRef attribute, and is provided as a convenience.
content simple
Used by
Element CitationSubRef
<xsd:attribute name="UpTo" type="xsd:anyURI">
    <xsd:documentation>The UpTo URI is derivable from the Class, Year and Number of the referenced Citation, plus the EndSectionRef attribute, and is provided as a convenience.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute CitationSubRef / @Operative
Namespace No namespace
When true on a citation within a commentary, this refers to the operative section: the one that actually contains the change to the legislation as opposed to supporting material that might describe its extent or the date at which it comes into force.
default false
Used by
Element CitationSubRef
<xsd:attribute default="false" name="Operative" type="xsd:boolean">
    <xsd:documentation>When true on a citation within a commentary, this refers to the operative section: the one that actually contains the change to the legislation as opposed to supporting material that might describe its extent or the date at which it comes into force.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute CitationElementIDAttributes / @id
Namespace No namespace
This is a unique identifier for the citation. The format is cxxxxx, where xxxxx is a five digit padded number, e.g: c00010, c01353
content simple
Used by
Attribute Group CitationElementIDAttributes
<xsd:attribute name="id">
    <xsd:documentation>This is a unique identifier for the citation. The format is cxxxxx, where xxxxx is a five digit padded number, e.g: c00010, c01353</xsd:documentation>
				<xsd:restriction base="xsd:ID">
					<xsd:pattern value="c[0-9a-z-]{5,20}"/>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NCName"/>
Attribute CitationListRef / @Ref
Namespace No namespace
use required
pattern (\i\c*) & ([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*) & (l[0-9]+)
Used by
Element CitationListRef
<xsd:attribute name="Ref" use="required">
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:IDREF">
      <xsd:pattern value="l[0-9]+"/>
Attribute Citation / @URI
Namespace No namespace
The URI of the cited data
use optional
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="URI" type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>The URI of the cited data</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @Class
Namespace No namespace
Refers to the class of document being cited, with values like: EnglandAct, UnitedKingdomPublicGeneralAct, ScottishStatutoryInstrument etc.
use required
enumeration EnglandAct
enumeration GreatBritainAct
enumeration IrelandAct
enumeration NorthernIrelandAct
enumeration NorthernIrelandAssemblyMeasure
enumeration NorthernIrelandParliamentAct
enumeration NorthernIrelandOrderInCouncil
enumeration NorthernIrelandDraftOrderInCouncil
enumeration NorthernIrelandStatutoryRule
enumeration NorthernIrelandStatutoryRuleOrOrder
enumeration NorthernIrelandDraftStatutoryRule
enumeration ScottishAct
enumeration ScottishOldAct
enumeration ScottishStatutoryInstrument
enumeration ScottishDraftStatutoryInstrument
enumeration UnitedKingdomChurchInstrument
enumeration UnitedKingdomChurchMeasure
enumeration UnitedKingdomPrivateAct
enumeration UnitedKingdomPublicGeneralAct
enumeration UnitedKingdomLocalAct
enumeration UnitedKingdomPrivateOrPersonalAct
enumeration GreatBritainPrivateOrPersonalAct
enumeration GreatBritainLocalAct
enumeration UnitedKingdomMinisterialDirection
enumeration UnitedKingdomMinisterialOrder
enumeration UnitedKingdomStatutoryInstrument
enumeration UnitedKingdomDraftStatutoryInstrument
enumeration UnitedKingdomStatutoryRuleOrOrder
enumeration WelshParliamentAct
The new name for Acts created in the Welsh parliament following law
enumeration WelshAssemblyMeasure
enumeration WelshNationalAssemblyAct
enumeration WelshStatutoryInstrument
enumeration WelshDraftStatutoryInstrument
enumeration UnitedKingdomImpactAssessment
enumeration EuropeanUnionRegulation
enumeration EuropeanEconomicCommunityRegulation
enumeration EuropeanUnionDirective
enumeration EuropeanUnionTreaty
enumeration EuropeanEconomicCommunityDirective
enumeration EuropeanUnionDecision
enumeration EuropeanEconomicCommunityDecision
enumeration EuropeanUnionCorrigendum
enumeration EuropeanUnionOfficialJournal
enumeration EuropeanUnionOther
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="Class" type="DocumentMainType" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation>Refers to the class of document being cited, with values like: EnglandAct, UnitedKingdomPublicGeneralAct, ScottishStatutoryInstrument etc.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @Locator
Namespace No namespace
This provides the URI address for those documents that exist at a known location or by using the other attribute values where the target cannot be calculated. Restraint should be shown in using this attribute.
content simple
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="Locator" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>This provides the URI address for those documents that exist at a known location or by using the other attribute values where the target cannot be calculated. Restraint should be shown in using this attribute.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @DOI
Namespace No namespace
This refers to the 'Digital Object Identifier' of the target document.
content simple
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="DOI" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>This refers to the 'Digital Object Identifier' of the target document.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @Year
Namespace No namespace
The Year is one of the attributes used to identify a target document
use required
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="Year" type="xsd:gYear" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation>The Year is one of the attributes used to identify a target document</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @Number
Namespace No namespace
The Number is one of the attributes used to identify a target document. And it will always be a non-negative numeric value
content simple
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="Number" type="xsd:nonNegativeInteger">
    <xsd:documentation>The Number is one of the attributes used to identify a target document. And it will always be a non-negative numeric value</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @Date
Namespace No namespace
The date of the cited document
content simple
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="Date" type="xsd:date">
    <xsd:documentation>The date of the cited document</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @Title
Namespace No namespace
The title of the cited data
content simple
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="Title" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>The title of the cited data</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @SectionRef
Namespace No namespace
The section identifier of the cited data
content simple
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="SectionRef" type="xsd:NCName">
    <xsd:documentation>The section identifier of the cited data</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @StartSectionRef
Namespace No namespace
The starting section identifier for a cited data range
content simple
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="StartSectionRef" type="xsd:NCName">
    <xsd:documentation>The starting section identifier for a cited data range</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @EndSectionRef
Namespace No namespace
The ending section identifier for a cited data range
content simple
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="EndSectionRef" type="xsd:NCName">
    <xsd:documentation>The ending section identifier for a cited data range</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @AlternativeNumber
Namespace No namespace
A number for the cited item in an alternative numbering series. For example, an Order that applies to Northern Ireland would have an alternative number of the format 'NI 11'. For early primary legislation (pre-1963), this will usually hold the regnal year e.g. 7 & 8 Eliz. 2
use optional
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="AlternativeNumber" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>A number for the cited item in an alternative numbering series. For example, an Order that applies to Northern Ireland would have an alternative number of the format 'NI 11'. For early primary legislation (pre-1963), this will usually hold the regnal year e.g. 7 & 8 Eliz. 2</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @WelshNumber
Namespace No namespace
The Welsh series number for the cited instrument
use optional
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="WelshNumber" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>The Welsh series number for the cited instrument</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @ScottishNumber
Namespace No namespace
The Scottish series number for the cited instrument
use optional
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="ScottishNumber" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>The Scottish series number for the cited instrument</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @NorthernIrishNumber
Namespace No namespace
The Northern Ireland series number for the cited instrument
use optional
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="NorthernIrishNumber" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>The Northern Ireland series number for the cited instrument</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @CommencementNumber
Namespace No namespace
The Commencement series number for the cited instrument
use optional
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="CommencementNumber" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>The Commencement series number for the cited instrument</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @LegalNumber
Namespace No namespace
The Legal series number for the cited instrument
use optional
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="LegalNumber" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>The Legal series number for the cited instrument</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @CommentaryRef
Namespace No namespace
The commentary identifier for the cited commentary
content simple
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="CommentaryRef" type="xsd:NCName">
    <xsd:documentation>The commentary identifier for the cited commentary</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @StartDate
Namespace No namespace
The start date of the cited provision
content simple
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="StartDate" type="xsd:date">
    <xsd:documentation>The start date of the cited provision</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @EndDate
Namespace No namespace
The end date of the cited provision
content simple
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute name="EndDate" type="xsd:date">
    <xsd:documentation>The end date of the cited provision</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Citation / @Prospective
Namespace No namespace
Boolean value of whether the cited item is prospective
use optional
default false
Used by
Element Citation
<xsd:attribute default="false" name="Prospective" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>Boolean value of whether the cited item is prospective</xsd:documentation>
Attribute CitationList / @id
Namespace No namespace
content simple
pattern (\i\c*) & ([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*) & (l[0-9]+)
Used by
Element CitationList
<xsd:attribute name="id">
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:ID">
      <xsd:pattern value="l[0-9]+"/>
Attribute Group CitationElementIDAttributes
Used by
QName Type Use Annotation
id xsd:NCName optional
This is a unique identifier for the citation. The format is cxxxxx, where xxxxx is a five digit padded number, e.g: c00010, c01353
<xsd:attributeGroup name="CitationElementIDAttributes">
  <xsd:attribute name="id">
      <xsd:documentation>This is a unique identifier for the citation. The format is cxxxxx, where xxxxx is a five digit padded number, e.g: c00010, c01353</xsd:documentation>
				<xsd:restriction base="xsd:ID">
					<xsd:pattern value="c[0-9a-z-]{5,20}"/>
      <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NCName"/>