
Used by
Included schema schemaLists.xsd
Defines generic list structures
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
version 2.4
Element OrderedList

An ordered list of items. These are used for numbered sub-provisions where the hierarchy of numbered subprovisions is broken, such as in a definition list - except for in tables, where <Pn> elements are still used.

Ordered lists should not be confused with provisions. Provisions are numbered paragraphs, whereas ordered lists are semantically grouped paragraphs.

The format of the list numbering is defined using the Type attribute.

The text surrounding the number is defined using the Decoration attribute.

A specific starting number can be specified using the Start attribute.

content complex
Used by
Children ListItem
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
Decoration restriction of xsd:NMTOKEN required

The text that decorates the numbering defined by the Decoration attribute

Start xsd:positiveInteger optional

The start attribute defines the number (or letter) at which the list numbering should start.

For example a value of 3 in an alpha list would start the numbering with a letter “c”.

The default value is 1.

Type restriction of xsd:NMTOKEN required

The numbering format of the list

id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<OrderedList AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Decoration="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" Start="" Type="" xmlns="">
  <ListItem AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" NumberOverride="" xml:space="">{1,unbounded}</ListItem>
<xsd:element name="OrderedList">
      <h:p>An ordered list of items. These are used for numbered sub-provisions where the hierarchy of numbered subprovisions is broken, such as in a definition list - except for in tables, where
          <h:i>n</h:i>></h:code>elements are still used.</h:p>
      <h:p>Ordered lists should not be confused with provisions. Provisions are numbered paragraphs, whereas ordered lists are semantically grouped paragraphs.</h:p>
      <!-- PA 15/5/2023: This no longer appears to be true (e.g. P3s routinely used in ExplanatoryNotes without ancestor P1), so commenting out
					<h:p>The schema takes the approach that if there is a break in the hierarchy of the provisions then any subsequent structure must be a list. This typically occurs where defined terms contain numbered items. These should be done as ordered lists within unordered lists, i.e. the defined term is an entry in an unordered list. Subsequently the chain of numbered provisions is broken and any children must be ordered lists.</h:p>
      <h:p>The format of the list numbering is defined using the
      <h:p>The text surrounding the number is defined using the
      <h:p>A specific starting number can be specified using the
      <xsd:element ref="ListItem" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="Type" use="required">
          <h:p>The numbering format of the list</h:p>
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
          <xsd:enumeration value="arabic">
              <xsd:documentation>1, 2, 3</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="roman">
              <xsd:documentation>i, ii, iii</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="romanUpper">
              <xsd:documentation>I, II, III</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="alpha">
              <xsd:documentation>a, b, c</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="alphaUpper">
              <xsd:documentation>A, B, C</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Decoration" use="required">
          <h:p>The text that decorates the numbering defined by the
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
          <xsd:enumeration value="none">
              <xsd:documentation>No text surrounding the number e.g. 1, 2, 3</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="parens">
              <xsd:documentation>Parentheses surrounding the number e.g. (1), (2), (3)</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="parenRight">
              <xsd:documentation>Parenthesis to the right of the number e.g. 1), 2), 3)</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="brackets">
              <xsd:documentation>Square brackets surrounding the number e.g. [1], [2], [3]</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="bracketRight">
              <xsd:documentation>Square bracket to the right of the number e.g. 1], 2], 3]</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="period">
              <xsd:documentation>Period to the right of the number e.g. 1., 2., 3.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="colon">
              <xsd:documentation>Colon to the right of the number e.g. 1:, 2:, 3:</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Start" type="xsd:positiveInteger">
          <h:p>The start attribute defines the number (or letter) at which the list numbering should start.</h:p>
          <h:p>For example a value of 3 in an alpha list would start the numbering with a letter “c”.</h:p>
          <h:p>The default value is 1.</h:p>
Element ListItem

A standard list item

The content model is defined as standard paragraph level block elements

content complex
Used by
Children DecoratedGroup, Division, Error, Figure, Form, Formula, KeyList, OrderedList, Para, Tabular, Text, UnorderedList, Warning
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
NumberOverride xsd:string optional
The text value it holds will be used to override the default number values
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<ListItem AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" NumberOverride="" xml:space="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="">
  <Para Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Para>
  <OrderedList AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Decoration="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" Start="" Type="">{1,1}</OrderedList>
  <UnorderedList AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" Decoration="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</UnorderedList>
  <DecoratedGroup AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Decoration="" id="" xml:lang="" Orientation="" xml:space="">{1,1}</DecoratedGroup>
  <KeyList AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Separator="" xml:space="">{1,1}</KeyList>
  <Figure AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" ImageLayout="vertical" xml:lang="" Orientation="portrait" xml:space="">{1,1}</Figure>
  <Form AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Orientation="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Form>
  <Tabular AltDates="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" BlanketAmendment="" Concurrent="" ConfersPower="" FragmentId="" id="" xml:lang="" Match="" NumberOfProvisions="" Orientation="" RestrictEndDate="" RestrictExtent="" RestrictStartDate="" xml:space="" Status="" ValidDates="" Version="">{1,1}</Tabular>
  <Text Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Hanging="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Text>
  <Formula Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ID="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Formula>
  <Division AltDates="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" BlanketAmendment="" Concurrent="" ConfersPower="" DocumentURI="" FragmentId="" id="" IdURI="" xml:lang="" Match="" NotesURI="" NumberOfProvisions="" RestrictEndDate="" RestrictExtent="" RestrictStartDate="" shortId="" xml:space="" Status="" Type="" ValidDates="" Version="">{1,1}</Division>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
<xsd:element name="ListItem">
      <h:p>A standard list item</h:p>
      <h:p>The content model is defined as standard paragraph level block elements</h:p>
      <xsd:extension base="ParaBasicStructure">
        <xsd:attribute name="NumberOverride" type="xsd:string">
            <xsd:documentation>The text value it holds will be used to override the default number values</xsd:documentation>
Element UnorderedList

An unordered list of items.

Unordered lists provide a mechanism to group together paragraphs that form a semantic list rather than just marking them up as unconnected paragraphs of text.

The Decoration attribute defines the type of bullet (if any) that should be used.

The Class attribute is used to identify the purpose of an unordered list – this is designed for use with tabbed lists to act as a hint to identify lists of definitions in secondary legislation. The suggested value for this kind of list is ‘Definition’.

content complex
Used by
Children ListItem
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
Class xsd:string optional
Used to identify the purpose of an unordered list. The suggested value for this kind of list is ‘Definition’.
Decoration restriction of xsd:NMTOKEN required

Defines the type of bullet (if any) that should be used

  • bullet = •
  • dash = —
  • arrow = —>
  • none = No decoration
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<UnorderedList AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" Decoration="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" xmlns="">
  <ListItem AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" NumberOverride="" xml:space="">{1,unbounded}</ListItem>
<xsd:element name="UnorderedList">
      <h:p>An unordered list of items.</h:p>
      <h:p>Unordered lists provide a mechanism to group together paragraphs that form a semantic list rather than just marking them up as unconnected paragraphs of text.</h:p>
      <h:p>The Decoration attribute defines the type of bullet (if any) that should be used.</h:p>
      <h:p>The Class attribute is used to identify the purpose of an unordered list – this is designed for use with tabbed lists to act as a hint to identify lists of definitions in secondary legislation. The suggested value for this kind of list is ‘Definition’.</h:p>
      <xsd:element ref="ListItem" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="Decoration" use="required">
          <h:p>Defines the type of bullet (if any) that should be used</h:p>
            <h:li>bullet = •</h:li>
            <h:li>dash = —</h:li>
            <h:li>arrow = —></h:li>
            <h:li>none = No decoration</h:li>
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
          <xsd:enumeration value="bullet"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="dash"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="arrow"/>
          <xsd:enumeration value="none"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="Class" type="xsd:string">
        <xsd:documentation>Used to identify the purpose of an unordered list. The suggested value for this kind of list is ‘Definition’.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element KeyList
A definition list. It is normally used in the Where element if in a formula.
content complex
Used by
Children KeyListItem
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
Separator xsd:string optional

The Separator attribute can be a text string that contains the text the separates the key item from its definition.

id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<KeyList AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Separator="" xml:space="" xmlns="">
  <KeyListItem AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</KeyListItem>
<xsd:element name="KeyList">
    <xsd:documentation>A definition list. It is normally used in the Where element if in a formula.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xsd:element ref="KeyListItem"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="Separator" type="xsd:string">
          <h:p>The Separator attribute can be a text string that contains the text the separates the key item from its definition.</h:p>
Element KeyListItem
An item within a definition list.
content complex
Used by
Element KeyList
Children Key, ListItem
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<KeyListItem AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" xmlns="">
  <Key Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Key>
  <ListItem AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" NumberOverride="" xml:space="">{1,1}</ListItem>
<xsd:element name="KeyListItem">
    <xsd:documentation>An item within a definition list.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element ref="Key"/>
      <xsd:element ref="ListItem"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Element Key

The key for an item within a definition list.

content complex
mixed true
Used by
Element KeyListItem
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, Citation, CitationListRef, CitationSubRef, CommentaryRef, Definition, Emphasis, Error, Expanded, ExternalLink, FootnoteRef, Image, Inferior, InlineAmendment, InlineExtract, InternalLink, MarginNoteRef, Proviso, Repeal, SmallCaps, Span, Strike, Strong, Substitution, Superior, Term, Underline, Uppercase, Warning, math
QName Type Use Annotation
Align restriction of xsd:string optional

Describes horizontal alignment with permissible values of:

  • inherit (the alignment is inherited from the parent element)
  • left
  • centre
  • right
  • justify (the entire paragraph is justified. Note that the last line is not force-justified. The decision on whether the last line should be is left to the implementation).
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<Key Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" xmlns="" xmlns:error="" xmlns:mathml="">
  <Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strong>
  <Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Emphasis>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</SmallCaps>
  <Uppercase AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Uppercase>
  <Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Underline>
  <Expanded AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Expanded>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <InlineExtract AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Format="" id="" xml:lang="" SourceClass="" SourceSubClass="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineExtract>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <InternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" EndRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InternalLink>
  <ExternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" Title="" URI="">{1,1}</ExternalLink>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <CitationSubRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" CitationRef="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Operative="false" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartSectionRef="" Type="" UpTo="" URI="">{1,1}</CitationSubRef>
  <CitationListRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CitationListRef>
  <mathml:math altimg="" alttext="" baseline="" class="" display="inline" height="" xlink:href="" id="" macros="" name="" overflow="scroll" style="" type="" width="" xref="">{1,1}</mathml:math>
  <Image AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Description="" Height="auto" id="" xml:lang="" ResourceRef="" xml:space="" Width="auto">{1,1}</Image>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
<xsd:element name="Key" type="InlineFullStructure">
      <h:p>The key for an item within a definition list.</h:p>
Attribute UnorderedList / @Decoration
Namespace No namespace

Defines the type of bullet (if any) that should be used

  • bullet = •
  • dash = —
  • arrow = —>
  • none = No decoration
use required
enumeration bullet
enumeration dash
enumeration arrow
enumeration none
Used by
Element UnorderedList
<xsd:attribute name="Decoration" use="required">
      <h:p>Defines the type of bullet (if any) that should be used</h:p>
        <h:li>bullet = •</h:li>
        <h:li>dash = —</h:li>
        <h:li>arrow = —></h:li>
        <h:li>none = No decoration</h:li>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
      <xsd:enumeration value="bullet"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="dash"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="arrow"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="none"/>
Attribute UnorderedList / @Class
Namespace No namespace
Used to identify the purpose of an unordered list. The suggested value for this kind of list is ‘Definition’.
content simple
Used by
Element UnorderedList
<xsd:attribute name="Class" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>Used to identify the purpose of an unordered list. The suggested value for this kind of list is ‘Definition’.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute KeyList / @Separator
Namespace No namespace

The Separator attribute can be a text string that contains the text the separates the key item from its definition.

content simple
Used by
Element KeyList
<xsd:attribute name="Separator" type="xsd:string">
      <h:p>The Separator attribute can be a text string that contains the text the separates the key item from its definition.</h:p>
Attribute ParaBasic / @NumberOverride
Namespace No namespace
The text value it holds will be used to override the default number values
content simple
Used by
Element ListItem
<xsd:attribute name="NumberOverride" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>The text value it holds will be used to override the default number values</xsd:documentation>
Attribute ListItem / @NumberOverride
Namespace No namespace
The text value it holds will be used to override the default number values
content simple
<xsd:attribute name="NumberOverride" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation>The text value it holds will be used to override the default number values</xsd:documentation>
Attribute OrderedList / @Type
Namespace No namespace

The numbering format of the list

use required
enumeration arabic
1, 2, 3
enumeration roman
i, ii, iii
enumeration romanUpper
enumeration alpha
a, b, c
enumeration alphaUpper
A, B, C
Used by
Element OrderedList
<xsd:attribute name="Type" use="required">
      <h:p>The numbering format of the list</h:p>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
      <xsd:enumeration value="arabic">
          <xsd:documentation>1, 2, 3</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:enumeration value="roman">
          <xsd:documentation>i, ii, iii</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:enumeration value="romanUpper">
          <xsd:documentation>I, II, III</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:enumeration value="alpha">
          <xsd:documentation>a, b, c</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:enumeration value="alphaUpper">
          <xsd:documentation>A, B, C</xsd:documentation>
Attribute OrderedList / @Decoration
Namespace No namespace

The text that decorates the numbering defined by the Decoration attribute

use required
enumeration none
No text surrounding the number e.g. 1, 2, 3
enumeration parens
Parentheses surrounding the number e.g. (1), (2), (3)
enumeration parenRight
Parenthesis to the right of the number e.g. 1), 2), 3)
enumeration brackets
Square brackets surrounding the number e.g. [1], [2], [3]
enumeration bracketRight
Square bracket to the right of the number e.g. 1], 2], 3]
enumeration period
Period to the right of the number e.g. 1., 2., 3.
enumeration colon
Colon to the right of the number e.g. 1:, 2:, 3:
Used by
Element OrderedList
<xsd:attribute name="Decoration" use="required">
      <h:p>The text that decorates the numbering defined by the
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN">
      <xsd:enumeration value="none">
          <xsd:documentation>No text surrounding the number e.g. 1, 2, 3</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:enumeration value="parens">
          <xsd:documentation>Parentheses surrounding the number e.g. (1), (2), (3)</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:enumeration value="parenRight">
          <xsd:documentation>Parenthesis to the right of the number e.g. 1), 2), 3)</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:enumeration value="brackets">
          <xsd:documentation>Square brackets surrounding the number e.g. [1], [2], [3]</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:enumeration value="bracketRight">
          <xsd:documentation>Square bracket to the right of the number e.g. 1], 2], 3]</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:enumeration value="period">
          <xsd:documentation>Period to the right of the number e.g. 1., 2., 3.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:enumeration value="colon">
          <xsd:documentation>Colon to the right of the number e.g. 1:, 2:, 3:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute OrderedList / @Start
Namespace No namespace

The start attribute defines the number (or letter) at which the list numbering should start.

For example a value of 3 in an alpha list would start the numbering with a letter “c”.

The default value is 1.

content simple
Used by
Element OrderedList
<xsd:attribute name="Start" type="xsd:positiveInteger">
      <h:p>The start attribute defines the number (or letter) at which the list numbering should start.</h:p>
      <h:p>For example a value of 3 in an alpha list would start the numbering with a letter “c”.</h:p>
      <h:p>The default value is 1.</h:p>