
Used by
Included schema schemaLegislationBoxGroup.xsd
Describes decorated boxes
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
version 2.4
Element DecoratedGroup

A mechanism for adding accolades to blocks of text (usually a right brace). Accolades are very long vertical or horizontal objects that typically occur within tables and are used to “group” content together by visual presentation. The element exists so that the “grouping” concept is held structurally within the XML mark-up and the decoration (normally a brace) can then be auto-generated for output.

Usually a decorated group will be made up of two <GroupItem> elements, the first containing the text of the first half of the content and the second one containing the second half of the content.

content complex
Used by
Children GroupItem, GroupItemRef
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
Decoration xsd:string required
Orientation restriction of xsd:string required

Specifies the orientation of the accolade

id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<DecoratedGroup AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Decoration="" id="" xml:lang="" Orientation="" xml:space="" xmlns="">
  <GroupItemRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</GroupItemRef>
<xsd:element name="DecoratedGroup">
    <xsd:documentation xmlns:h="">
      <h:p>A mechanism for adding accolades to blocks of text (usually a right brace). Accolades are very long vertical or horizontal objects that typically occur within tables and are used to “group” content together by visual presentation. The element exists so that the “grouping” concept is held structurally within the XML mark-up and the decoration (normally a brace) can then be auto-generated for output.</h:p>
      <h:p>Usually a decorated group will be made up of two
        <h:code><GroupItem></h:code>elements, the first containing the text of the first half of the content and the second one containing the second half of the content.</h:p>
      <xsd:element ref="GroupItem"/>
        <xsd:element ref="GroupItem"/>
        <xsd:element ref="GroupItemRef"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="Orientation" use="required">
        <xsd:documentation xmlns:h="">
          <h:p>Specifies the orientation of the accolade</h:p>
        <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
          <xsd:enumeration value="leftToRight">
              <xsd:documentation>Group item 1 on the left, group item 2 on the right, accolade should be output as normal</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="topToBottom">
              <xsd:documentation>Group item 1 on the top, group item 2 on the bottom, accolade should be rotated 90 degrees right</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="bottomToTop">
              <xsd:documentation>Group item 1 on the bottom, group item 2 on the top, accolade should be rotated 90 degrees left</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:enumeration value="rightToLeft">
              <xsd:documentation>Group item 1 on the right, group item 2 on the left, accolade should be flipped from right to left</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="Decoration" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
Element GroupItem
A item in a decorated group. This is a container element
content complex
Used by
Element DecoratedGroup
Children Abbreviation, Acronym, Addition, Character, Citation, CitationListRef, CitationSubRef, CommentaryRef, DecoratedGroup, Definition, Division, Emphasis, Error, Expanded, ExternalLink, Figure, Footnote, FootnoteRef, Form, Formula, Image, Inferior, InlineAmendment, InlineExtract, InternalLink, KeyList, MarginNoteRef, OrderedList, P, P1, P1group, P2, P2group, P3, P3group, P4, P5, P6, P7, Para, Proviso, Repeal, SmallCaps, Span, Strike, Strong, Substitution, Superior, Tabular, Term, Underline, UnorderedList, Uppercase, Warning, math, table
<GroupItem xmlns="" xmlns:error="" xmlns:mathml="" xmlns:xhtml="">
  <Strong AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strong>
  <Emphasis AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Emphasis>
  <Inferior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Inferior>
  <Superior AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Superior>
  <SmallCaps AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</SmallCaps>
  <Uppercase AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Uppercase>
  <Underline AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Underline>
  <Expanded AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Expanded>
  <Strike AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Strike>
  <error:Error FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Error>
  <error:Warning FragmentId="" XPath="">{1,1}</error:Warning>
  <Character Name="">{1,1}</Character>
  <Span AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Span>
  <InlineAmendment AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineAmendment>
  <InlineExtract AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Format="" id="" xml:lang="" SourceClass="" SourceSubClass="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InlineExtract>
  <CommentaryRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CommentaryRef>
  <FootnoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</FootnoteRef>
  <MarginNoteRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</MarginNoteRef>
  <InternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" EndRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</InternalLink>
  <ExternalLink AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" Title="" URI="">{1,1}</ExternalLink>
  <Citation AlternativeNumber="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" CommencementNumber="" CommentaryRef="" Date="" DOI="" EndDate="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" LegalNumber="" Locator="" NorthernIrishNumber="" Number="" Prospective="false" ScottishNumber="" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartDate="" StartSectionRef="" Title="" URI="" WelshNumber="" Year="">{1,1}</Citation>
  <CitationSubRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" CitationRef="" EndSectionRef="" id="" xml:lang="" Operative="false" SectionRef="" xml:space="" StartSectionRef="" Type="" UpTo="" URI="">{1,1}</CitationSubRef>
  <CitationListRef AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" xml:lang="" Ref="" xml:space="">{1,1}</CitationListRef>
  <mathml:math altimg="" alttext="" baseline="" class="" display="inline" height="" xlink:href="" id="" macros="" name="" overflow="scroll" style="" type="" width="" xref="">{1,1}</mathml:math>
  <Image AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Description="" Height="auto" id="" xml:lang="" ResourceRef="" xml:space="" Width="auto">{1,1}</Image>
  <Acronym AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Acronym>
  <Abbreviation AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Expansion="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Abbreviation>
  <Term AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Term>
  <Addition AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Addition>
  <Repeal AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" RetainText="" xml:space="" Status="" SubstitutionRef="">{1,1}</Repeal>
  <Substitution AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ChangeId="" CommentaryRef="" Correction="false" Extent="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" Prospective="false" xml:space="" Status="">{1,1}</Substitution>
  <Definition Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="" TermRef="">{1,1}</Definition>
  <Proviso Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Mark="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Proviso>
  <Para Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Para>
  <OrderedList AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Decoration="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" Start="" Type="">{1,1}</OrderedList>
  <UnorderedList AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Class="" Decoration="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</UnorderedList>
  <DecoratedGroup AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" Decoration="" id="" xml:lang="" Orientation="" xml:space="">{1,1}</DecoratedGroup>
  <KeyList AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Separator="" xml:space="">{1,1}</KeyList>
  <Figure AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" ImageLayout="vertical" xml:lang="" Orientation="portrait" xml:space="">{1,1}</Figure>
  <Form AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" Orientation="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Form>
  <Tabular AltDates="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" BlanketAmendment="" Concurrent="" ConfersPower="" FragmentId="" id="" xml:lang="" Match="" NumberOfProvisions="" Orientation="" RestrictEndDate="" RestrictExtent="" RestrictStartDate="" xml:space="" Status="" ValidDates="" Version="">{1,1}</Tabular>
  <Formula Align="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" ID="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Formula>
  <P AltDates="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" BlanketAmendment="" Concurrent="" ConfersPower="" DocumentURI="" FragmentId="" id="" IdURI="" xml:lang="" Match="" NotesURI="" NumberOfProvisions="" RestrictEndDate="" RestrictExtent="" RestrictStartDate="" shortId="" xml:space="" Status="" ValidDates="" Version="">{1,1}</P>
  <P1 AltDates="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" BlanketAmendment="" Concurrent="" ConfersPower="" DocumentURI="" FootnoteRef="" FragmentId="" id="" IdURI="" xml:lang="" Match="" NotesURI="" NumberOfProvisions="" RestrictEndDate="" RestrictExtent="" RestrictStartDate="" shortId="" xml:space="" Status="" ValidDates="" Version="">{1,1}</P1>
  <P2 AltDates="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" BlanketAmendment="" Concurrent="" ConfersPower="" DocumentURI="" FootnoteRef="" FragmentId="" id="" IdURI="" xml:lang="" Match="" NotesURI="" NumberOfProvisions="" RestrictEndDate="" RestrictExtent="" RestrictStartDate="" shortId="" xml:space="" Status="" ValidDates="" Version="">{1,1}</P2>
  <P3 AltDates="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" BlanketAmendment="" Concurrent="" ConfersPower="" DocumentURI="" FootnoteRef="" FragmentId="" id="" IdURI="" xml:lang="" Match="" NotesURI="" NumberOfProvisions="" RestrictEndDate="" RestrictExtent="" RestrictStartDate="" shortId="" xml:space="" Status="" ValidDates="" Version="">{1,1}</P3>
  <P4 AltDates="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" BlanketAmendment="" Concurrent="" ConfersPower="" DocumentURI="" FragmentId="" id="" IdURI="" xml:lang="" Match="" NotesURI="" NumberOfProvisions="" RestrictEndDate="" RestrictExtent="" RestrictStartDate="" shortId="" xml:space="" Status="" ValidDates="" Version="">{1,1}</P4>
  <P5 AltDates="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" BlanketAmendment="" Concurrent="" ConfersPower="" DocumentURI="" FragmentId="" id="" IdURI="" xml:lang="" Match="" NotesURI="" NumberOfProvisions="" RestrictEndDate="" RestrictExtent="" RestrictStartDate="" shortId="" xml:space="" Status="" ValidDates="" Version="">{1,1}</P5>
  <P6 AltDates="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" BlanketAmendment="" Concurrent="" ConfersPower="" DocumentURI="" FragmentId="" id="" IdURI="" xml:lang="" Match="" NotesURI="" NumberOfProvisions="" RestrictEndDate="" RestrictExtent="" RestrictStartDate="" shortId="" xml:space="" Status="" ValidDates="" Version="">{1,1}</P6>
  <P7 AltDates="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" BlanketAmendment="" Concurrent="" ConfersPower="" DocumentURI="" FragmentId="" id="" IdURI="" xml:lang="" Match="" NotesURI="" NumberOfProvisions="" RestrictEndDate="" RestrictExtent="" RestrictStartDate="" shortId="" xml:space="" Status="" ValidDates="" Version="">{1,1}</P7>
  <P1group AltDates="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" BlanketAmendment="" Concurrent="" ConfersPower="" DocumentURI="" FragmentId="" id="" IdURI="" xml:lang="" Layout="" Match="" NotesURI="" NumberOfProvisions="" RestrictEndDate="" RestrictExtent="" RestrictStartDate="" shortId="" xml:space="" Status="" ValidDates="" Version="">{1,1}</P1group>
  <P2group AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" DocumentURI="" id="" IdURI="" xml:lang="" NotesURI="" shortId="" xml:space="">{1,1}</P2group>
  <P3group AltDates="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" BlanketAmendment="" Concurrent="" ConfersPower="" DocumentURI="" FragmentId="" id="" IdURI="" xml:lang="" Match="" NotesURI="" NumberOfProvisions="" RestrictEndDate="" RestrictExtent="" RestrictStartDate="" shortId="" xml:space="" Status="" ValidDates="" Version="">{1,1}</P3group>
  <xhtml:table background-color="" xml:base="" border-bottom-color="inherit" border-bottom-style="inherit" border-bottom-width="inherit" border-left-color="inherit" border-left-style="inherit" border-left-width="inherit" border-right-color="inherit" border-right-style="inherit" border-right-width="inherit" border-top-color="inherit" border-top-style="inherit" border-top-width="inherit" cols="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="" summary="" width="">{1,1}</xhtml:table>
  <Division AltDates="" AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" BlanketAmendment="" Concurrent="" ConfersPower="" DocumentURI="" FragmentId="" id="" IdURI="" xml:lang="" Match="" NotesURI="" NumberOfProvisions="" RestrictEndDate="" RestrictExtent="" RestrictStartDate="" shortId="" xml:space="" Status="" Type="" ValidDates="" Version="">{1,1}</Division>
  <Footnote AltVersionRefs="" xml:base="" id="" xml:lang="" xml:space="">{1,1}</Footnote>
<xsd:element name="GroupItem">
    <xsd:documentation>A item in a decorated group. This is a container element</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:group ref="TableCell" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Element GroupItemRef

Describes a link to the right-hand side of the decorated group.

Sometimes the second half of the content is in an adjacent table cell so grouping of the content is not possible across the cell boundaries. The solution is to use a GroupItemRef element instead of GroupItem. This uses a Ref attribute to reference an id on the associated cell.

content complex
Used by
Element DecoratedGroup
QName Type Use Annotation
AltVersionRefs RefsLinkType optional
Links to alternate versions of the content by referencing the version's id attribute, e.g. perhaps a Welsh version or an image (Figure) of a Formula
Ref xsd:IDREF required
id restriction of xsd:NCName optional

A unique identifier for the element.

The format of this identifier is yxxxxx where y is a letter and xxxxx is a number, padded to five digits.

Note that most elements that normally have identifiers have a separate, element-specific definition of the id attribute in the schema.

xml:base xs:anyURI optional
Is used to change the base from which relative URLs are calculated. See for information about this attribute.
xml:lang xs:language optional
Should be used to indicate the main language of the content contained by the element upon which the attribute is appearing. Values should be taken from the ISO 639 standard. This attribute should be used where the language is different from the main language of the document.
xml:space restriction of xs:NCName optional
Is used to indicate whether white space is significant in the contained content and can contain the value ‘default’ or ‘preserve’. For a value of ‘default’, it is left to an application as to how to treat white space.
<xsd:element name="GroupItemRef">
    <xsd:documentation xmlns:h="">
      <h:p>Describes a link to the right-hand side of the decorated group.</h:p>
      <h:p>Sometimes the second half of the content is in an adjacent table cell so grouping of the content is not possible across the cell boundaries. The solution is to use a GroupItemRef element instead of GroupItem. This uses a Ref attribute to reference an id on the associated cell.</h:p>
    <xsd:attribute name="Ref" type="xsd:IDREF" use="required"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="CommonAttributes"/>
Attribute GroupItemRef / @Ref
Namespace No namespace
use required
Used by
Element GroupItemRef
<xsd:attribute name="Ref" type="xsd:IDREF" use="required"/>
Attribute DecoratedGroup / @Orientation
Namespace No namespace

Specifies the orientation of the accolade

use required
enumeration leftToRight
Group item 1 on the left, group item 2 on the right, accolade should be output as normal
enumeration topToBottom
Group item 1 on the top, group item 2 on the bottom, accolade should be rotated 90 degrees right
enumeration bottomToTop
Group item 1 on the bottom, group item 2 on the top, accolade should be rotated 90 degrees left
enumeration rightToLeft
Group item 1 on the right, group item 2 on the left, accolade should be flipped from right to left
Used by
Element DecoratedGroup
<xsd:attribute name="Orientation" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation xmlns:h="">
      <h:p>Specifies the orientation of the accolade</h:p>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="leftToRight">
          <xsd:documentation>Group item 1 on the left, group item 2 on the right, accolade should be output as normal</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:enumeration value="topToBottom">
          <xsd:documentation>Group item 1 on the top, group item 2 on the bottom, accolade should be rotated 90 degrees right</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:enumeration value="bottomToTop">
          <xsd:documentation>Group item 1 on the bottom, group item 2 on the top, accolade should be rotated 90 degrees left</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:enumeration value="rightToLeft">
          <xsd:documentation>Group item 1 on the right, group item 2 on the left, accolade should be flipped from right to left</xsd:documentation>
Attribute DecoratedGroup / @Decoration
Namespace No namespace
use required
Used by
Element DecoratedGroup
<xsd:attribute name="Decoration" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>